Sweet Surrender Ep 18

As Sara finishes her story.. Theon's face shows that he's sad after listening to her story. But now, when he finally got to know the reason for her pain. He is getting more angry at Zian and he wants to do something against Zian but he knows that Sara might not like it. So, he's controlling himself.

Theon:- Sara, your past is really painful. You didn't deserve this treatment. Zian didn't deserve you. Huh! What luck for us. We both got cheated on by our first love. What a similarity! (She looked at him saying that while laughing)

 Sara:- How are you so chill with this? I broke up a long time ago but your relationship was for a long time and break-up just two months ago. Don't you feel bad about that?

Theon:- Hmm. I do feel bad and painful but, this is life. We need to move on and forget our past. Because, the past is already gone and we can't bring it back.

**Then, he suddenly became quiet. Theon is not telling her that he's still in pain with his breakup. He's still not able to forget his past. Even though he tries.**

Theon:- Sara, I have a question in my mind.

Sara:- What is it?

Theon:- Do you still have feelings for Zian? As you had a big crush on him at your high school. So, do you ever think of going with him again or do you think that you still love him? 

**Then, Theon continued to look at her with a questioning face. As he wants her to tell the truth. Even if she's still having feelings for Zian, then, he wants her to tell him. Because he wants her to be happy, not sad.**

Sara:- No! No way. I would not ever go back to that bastard. I just can't stand him anymore now.

Theon:- I'm glad to hear that. (Then, he took her hands in his.)

Theon:- I don't want you to go back to the person who made you sad and hurt you. Because you don't deserve those things. You deserve happiness and I'm trying to make you happy. So, don't think about him because he doesn't deserve you. (Then, Theon's expression changed as he looked at her eyes and he said) But do you still feel sad about him? 

Sara:- No. I don't.

Theon:- I'm glad to hear that.

*Time skip to later. It's been 10 months since their wedding. Now Theon has become weak toward Sara as she gave him the support he was searching for all of his life. Even though he despised her at first, still she didn't misbehave with him. But Sara now thinks of him more like a best friend than her husband. As they were never like a husband-wife and this was also Theon's idea and now he is regretting it. Now he planned to make Sara fall in love with him. He is super jealous of Zion as once upon a time he was her crush. Now he is slowly developing his relationship with Sara.**

**Theon is slowly understanding how important Sara is in his life. Even though they are still not feeling what a husband and wife feels. He's just realizing he's still looking for love but he forgot that this love was staring right at him and he was ignoring her. Then, Theon decided to make Sara fall in love with him but he didn't know. How should he do that? Because, Sara still likes him as a friend but not as a lover yet. It's been 11 months since their marriage. Theon was planning to propose to Sara for the second time. In the most romantic way possible. As they didn't have a proper marriage the first time. Theon decided to surprise Sara and propose to her again.**

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**