
[Somewhere in the mountain of Kyoto]

I finally found an entrance according to the old map. Throughout the walk , the path was surrounded with tall trees covering the light of the sun. But I am soon arrive at a small wooden house in the middle of the forest. So I begin to take a few breaths then open the entrance door of the house. Inside , Tengu-san is forging something.

Tengu: "Oh , you've arrived. I'm sorry the map that I gave you is old. But , I'm glad that you came safely. So , there's something I want to ask from you."

After 4 months have passed , I have helped Tengu-san doing some errands to finish up his creation. But , I was given an outfit made by Tengu-san for me so I wearing it.

Tengu: "So how is it ?"

Tengu: "Is that so ? Then I'll be glad. So , about your name , I have prepared a code name just for you. Your codename would be-"

Tengu: "Really ?"

Tengu: "Well , if you're fine with it , I guess I have to call you just that , Log."

--The End--