It takes a while for me to fight through t&e murky haze that surrounded me. A haze filled with pain and screams, screams that didn't just belong to me.

There was another girl here, her cries and pleas were much more unbearable than the pain itself.

Why did she have to die?

What did she do?

She hadn't even started to live.

All these were her thoughts that echoed through the haze.

I didn't have an answer to give her. I didn't even know her but one thing I am sure of, Willow was the one who did this.

She had died because of me.

And u could offer her no comfort, not when I myself, am reliving the pain.

Her pain.

Over and over again.

This is what she went through when she was dying.

It is gruesome. Horrific.

Only a monster us capable of doing something this evil.

For what feels like year's, I gloat in the haze, over it, under it.

Just existing in a myriad of screams and pain.