"I suggest a total break from all strenuous duties, * Eric says. "At least for two more weeks. Of course, this is coming from my medical point of view. I have no idea what effects such a malevolent poison like that could have wrought on his body."
"He is not going to like that," I tell him. "He is always on the go. Always moving. A two week sabbatical will be enough to drive him mad, with boredom."
"Maybe you could find something to keep him busy. Paperwork. Um, recruitment, anything really. As long as he does not put too much physical effort on his body."
"Got it. Thanks, Eric," I tell him as I turn to leave."
There is a spring in my steps as I head back to the room. Lucas is alive. He is going to be fine. I have lost no one. My mate is safe. Maya is back, acting weird, sure, but safe.
The other Alphas are willing to put the past behind them.
Everything is going great.