Normal life disturbed

Vol. 1 Chapter 2: Normal life disturbed

Takashi's parents arrived home late at night, finding their purple-haired teenager already sound asleep. His snores resounded throughout the hallways and rooms, making his restful immersion palpable.

His father, Takashi Junichiro, even noted that Ishikawa forgot to charge his phone, owing it to exhaustion.

'What was he up to? He must've been extremely tired.'

Junichiro quietly sneaked past the snoozing youngster and plugged his phone into the charger, sending a sultry wink to his own wife. She responded in kind, a smirk on her face as she withdrew from Ishikawa's room to jump into her own slumberous moment.

The next morning, Takashi awoke to the familiar aroma of his mother's cooking. The scent of miso soup and grilled fish wafted through the house, a temporary reprieve from the tension that hung in the air. As he groggily made his way to the kitchen, he found his parents engaged in a hushed conversation.

"Morning, Mom, Dad," Takashi greeted, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning, my son," his father replied, a hint of worry in his voice. "Have you seen the news?"

Takashi nodded, taking a seat at the table. "Yes, I have. It's pretty intense."

His mother, who was busy preparing breakfast, paused to look at him. "What did they say about the protests?"

Takashi shrugged. "Not much, really. Just that they were protesting against the war and supporting Miyazaki-sensei's message."

His father nodded, a small smile on his face. "I heard about that. It's quite remarkable. What do you think about it all?"

Takashi pondered for a moment, considering his own views. "I think Miyazaki-sensei is right to speak out against the war. It's not just about Japan; it's about the whole world. And as for the protests, I think they're important. They're putting pressure on the government to make a change. And maybe, just maybe, we'll see a resolution to this conflict soon."

His mother nodded, pleased with his response. "That's a good attitude, Ishikawa. You always know how to see the bigger picture," she ended with a smile.

Takashi smiled back, feeling grateful for his parents' support. The tension in the house seemed to dissipate a little as they ate breakfast and chatted about the events of the day.

"Anyways, are you going to school now? You always liked to get there early, you know?" Junichiro asked.

Today was a Friday, the last school day of the week. One of Friday's greatest benefits was that school ended early, providing students with some time for much-needed rest.

"Hm, there's no rush today. Plus, I still have a lot of time," Takashi said, shrugging his shoulders.

Just in that moment, everyone's smartphones beeped in unison, a rare case of synchronized notifications. Halting their talks for now, each individual attended to their own device, unfurling the inner contents of whatever message was received.

"Oh... This is interesting," his mother, Haruka, commented. "The Japanese government has declared an impromptu school closure for an indefinite time period."

"So we all got the same message, right?" Junichiro inquired, thumb on his jaw. "Looks like you will be staying home after all, Ishikawa."

"This just came out of nowhere. They didn't give us a reason for this sudden news at all!" Takashi frowned, already growing suspicions about this event. His words were a confirmation to his father, alerting him that this was indeed an automated message.

He continued, "Do you think this has something to do with..."

Haruka interjected, "The war? I'm inclined to believe so."

Takashi nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with possibilities. "I thought things wouldn't get so serious. I expected it to fade from relevance just like every other conspiracy theory."

Junichiro nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "But it seems like they're becoming more and more serious. We'll have to be careful."

As Takashi's mind continued to race with possibilities, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He couldn't deny that the world seemed to be changing at an alarming rate, but he couldn't quite put his finger on why.

On the bright side of things, no school! It was a blessing not only for him but other children across Japan. Rather than wasting this opportunity by stressing over it, the better option was to take the bull by the horns —— enjoying it as much as possible.

Furthermore, it would be like living in a novel universe, where all the excitement would come his way. Thinking too much was unnecessary.

But for now... "Mother, your cooking is perfect as always."

"I am aware, son. Now why don't you go take a shower? Your father and I will be headed off soon," Haruka said.

Takashi's mind raced as he left the room. Something was off. The closure, the tension, Miyazaki's protests — everything felt like pieces of a puzzle he couldn't quite assemble. As the warm water of the shower washed away the remnants of sleep, a sense of foreboding lingered in his thoughts, like a whisper of a storm on the horizon.

Takashi took his time in the shower, letting the warm water soothe his tense muscles. Thoughts swirled in his mind like water spiraling down the drain. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the cusp of something significant, something that would reshape their lives in ways they couldn't comprehend.

Exiting the bathroom with a towel draped around his shoulders, Takashi found his parents readying themselves for the day. His father, dressed in a suit, looked every bit the businessman he was. His mother, elegant in her professional attire, exuded a quiet strength.

As he got dressed for the day, Takashi couldn't escape the weight of uncertainty that hung in the air. His mind drifted back to the news, the protests, and the unexplained school closure. He wanted answers, but the world seemed to offer only questions.

"Take care, Ishikawa," his father said, patting him on the shoulder as he headed for the door.

"Stay safe, my son," his mother added, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Takashi nodded, acknowledging their words with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. As his parents left for whatever lay beyond the door, Takashi found himself alone in the quiet house.

The message of the school closure continued to gnaw at him, urging him to uncover the truth behind this abrupt change. With his parents gone, he decided to delve into the depths of the internet, seeking any clues or information that could shed light on the situation.

The online world buzzed with speculations, theories, and a myriad of opinions. Some claimed it was a precautionary measure due to the escalating international tensions, while others hinted at a more sinister agenda. The virtual realm had transformed into a battleground of ideas, each post and comment a piece in the puzzle of uncertainty.

As Takashi navigated through the sea of information, one particular post caught his eye. It spoke of a secret government initiative, hidden beneath the guise of a school closure, aimed at preparing for the worst-case scenario. The post claimed that the world was on the brink of a catastrophe, and governments were scrambling to secure their nations.

Skepticism tugged at Takashi. Could it be a mere conspiracy theory or a glimpse into the hidden truth? The uncertainty of the times only fueled his desire to decipher the enigma surrounding Japan's sudden actions.

Hours passed as he delved deeper into the virtual labyrinth, his mind absorbing both the rational and the fantastical. The line between fact and fiction blurred in the vast expanse of the internet.

As the day unfolded, Takashi's room became a sanctuary for contemplation, a place where the digital echoes of the world outside resonated with the uncertainties within. The shadows cast by the turbulent events loomed over his thoughts, painting an intricate tapestry of worry and curiosity.

The afternoon sun began its descent, casting long shadows that danced across Takashi's room. A realization dawned upon him — the world he once knew was undergoing a metamorphosis, and he stood at the threshold of an uncertain future.

With a heavy heart and a mind laden with newfound awareness, Takashi closed his laptop. The journey for answers had only just begun, and the road ahead promised twists and turns that would challenge the very fabric of his understanding.

As the day faded into evening, the quietude of his surroundings mirrored the calm before a storm. Takashi prepared to face the evolving reality, armed not with certainty but with a resilient spirit determined to navigate the uncharted waters ahead.

Little did he know that this ordinary Friday, disrupted by the closure of schools, marked the inception of a profound journey into a world teetering on the edge of chaos. The wheels of fate were set in motion, and Takashi Ishikawa found himself entangled in a narrative that transcended the boundaries of his once peaceful existence.

Simply put, normal life was being disturbed by oddities of many kinds.

[ End of Chapter ]