Being Sent Back

I made my decision of not doing it because I've spent too much time. I wanted to make them my own but I couldn't do it right now. So I looked at Athen and told him about my decision of not doing it right now.

Alright. I respect your decision but why so sudden? You still had time but since you made that decision I'll begin the transfer. You'll be sent back to the year 2023. Once you've arrived, you'll be in contact with my subordinate who will guide you.

" Alright than-" Before I said anything I disappeared.

*Third POV*

A bright light appeared in the middle of a dessert. It soom dims down and showed a man. The man stood up and looked at his surroundings to see where he was.

" God Damnit Athen! Why the hell did you send me in the middle of the of the desert!" Exclamed Strat.

Strat walked forward in the direction he thought was north. Hours have passed Strat still walking in the direction he's in.

Tired... Water.....

These were the things that Strat wanted. After a few minutes passed he saw a sign in the distance. He couldn't see what it said where he was so he went closer.

To his disappointment it showed one place he always hated.

Welcome to California

"God damnit Athen the one place you send me to was the place I hate the most. You could of sent me to Ohio, or Penn State even though those states are still kind of bad in their own way but no you send me to California!" Yelled Strat.

He immediately punched the sign only to break it. He himself was surprised about the amount of strength he had even though he still was thirsty and tired. Still it didn't quench his anger so he ran towards the direction he thought was north again.

Another hour passed by and Strat is still running. He thought he would've tired out a long time ago. But he didn't mind it. It was more like the appreciated that he didn't stop yet.

Again, he saw something again and did the same thing he did with the sign. He walked this time and got closer only to see a damn cat. He doesn't mind animals but the first living thing he wanted to meet was a human not a cat. Though he started to be more inclined to get the cat as a companion.

He took a piece of his skin off to bait the cat towards himself and also to see if he got any automatic healing or in the lines of that. In which he did have some. The cat sniffed the air and was able to tell that meat was near. It went towards the direction it of the smell.

It then found the piece of skin that Strat and immediately ate it. As it finished, Strat immediately jumped to capture the cat. The cat immediately began to scratch and began to hiss in the hands of Strat.

"Calm down! It's not like I'm going to kill you I just need a companion." The cat started to calm down as if it understood him.

Strat partially tamed the cat. He felt relieved that he was able to tame it. He walked again in the same direction with cat still in his arms. Though he didn't want to walk he chose to due to trying to survive.

Another four hours have passed, it was night time. Everything was cold but the night sky showed its stars brightly which may of lessen the cold. Strat still walking now just started to show signs of fatigue.

He wanted to lay down but couldn't since he thought something would come kill him.

He soon saw some light in the distance. He immediately recovered from the fatigue and went towards the light. Soon he saw a town in the distance. He thought people would be there. He ran towards the town expecting people to be there but to his dismay. It was abandoned.

" Fucking AGAIN! God damnit! Why the fuck do I still expect people being here!" Yelled Strat.

He went towards one of the buildings to check out what was in it. He opened the door which still felt new and entered inside. He felt some resistance coming behind the door as he entered. He looked behind it only to see it was barricaded. Now this caught his attention. He noticed that the cat was now asleep, so he left it there.

'Why was this barricaded? Might as well try to find out.' Thought Strat.

He went towards the living room to see if there was any clue to see why it was abandoned and barricaded. But no clue was found. He checked everywhere in the base floor. From each bookshelf, cabinet, drawer, box of papers, and the closet.

He went upstairs to see if there was any clue there. The only thing he saw was left over footstep mud marks. He assumed the people here left in a hurry since he saw that there were lots of it in the hall. He saw that there were two rooms upstairs one of the left and the other on the right. He first went to the left since it had a lock on it.

He grabbed the lock and ripped it off. He turned the knob on the door and went inside. He was met with lots of prototype cybernetics, scrap metal, ripper table, prototype mind slot chip, medical equipment, and a computer.

He also saw some scrap metal.


Though Strat wanted to make some cybernetics for himself he still needed to check the rest of the buildings. He went to check the other room and found the same thing as the other room. This made his curiosity to go up.

He went to the other buildings and found more of the equipment that was found in the first building. He sometimes found some questionable "Toys" and other times he found just scraps of metal. He went to the last building but he heard crys of an infant.

Strat immediately went inside. He broke through the resistance behind the door. He heard the cries coming from upstairs. He went up the stairs and saw a door that was barricaded with boards on the outside. He walked to the door and cleared the boards off.

He opened the door only to see a baby in a crib.