Chapter 15 :- Astral Revelation

Guided by the celestial melodies of the Celestial Harp, Liang Xing delved into the Astral Revelation—a celestial realm where the veils between astral planes were thin, and cosmic secrets awaited discovery. The Luminescent Sages, their astral radiance undiminished, accompanied him on this profound journey.

Within the Astral Revelation, astral currents wove intricate patterns, revealing glimpses of celestial realms beyond mortal perception. Liang Xing, attuned to the harmonizing melodies of the Celestial Harp, navigated through astral gateways that led to unexplored dimensions where the essence of astral forces pulsed with unparalleled intensity.

As he ventured deeper, celestial visions unfolded—prophecies etched in astral constellations that foretold of trials and revelations yet to come. The Luminescent Sages spoke of the Astral Oracle, a cosmic entity that held the wisdom to decipher the threads of destiny woven into the fabric of the wuxia cosmos.

In the heart of the Astral Revelation, Liang Xing encountered the Astral Oracle—a being of luminous astral energy that resonated with the celestial frequencies. Through astral communion, the Oracle imparted ancient truths that transcended mortal understanding, revealing the interconnected destinies of martial realms and the celestial legacy that bound them.

The Oracle spoke of an astral artifact, the Nexus Crystal, that could unlock the Celestial Gate—a portal to the pinnacle of astral realms. Liang Xing, now armed with the celestial revelations from the Astral Oracle, set his sights on the quest for the Nexus Crystal, knowing that the celestial mysteries held within would shape the destiny of the martial realms in ways yet uncharted.