We have met before this

With bulged eyes, Yuxuan gave an uncertain glance. "I don't think I have seen you before this."

"Oh," Zixin's voice came out as keeled over with discouragement.

"Okay, let's go home first. I'm starving." Zixin pulled him by the wrist, climbing on the grassy pavement to leave the riverbank.

.................. ................

Yuxuan and Zixin arrived in front of the Yuxuan Hotel.

Yuxuan turned around and stopped Zixin, who was following his steps. As Yuxuan looked into the innocent dancing eyes of Zixin, he proclaimed

"Then let's meet tomorrow."

"Why? Why tomorrow? I want to stay with you from now on since you agreed to marriage." Zixin declared that his body language spoke edginess, causing Yuxuan to be startled.

"Why are you nervous suddenly?" Yuxuan asked, his foot wobbling, baffled on whether to stay or step back.

"I'm starving; cook me something." Zixin suddenly began to bargain like a puppy, leaving Yuxuan to think,

What the heck with him suddenly?

Yuxuan experienced a nauseated expression.

And when Zixin reached out for his hand, without second consideration, Frightened Yuxuan laid four steps back and shrieked.

"What the hell are you doing right now?!?"

In a transient moment, Zixin drew back his handsome, serious face, and as his eyes sparkled, escorted by glints, his coolest voice said,

"I want to taste my little husband's hand."

"What did you SAYYY?!?"

Yuxuan's terrorization jerked out to its peak. His upper lip's corner curled out, enunciating that he was extremely disgusted with Zixin's every word.

Reckoning his expression, Zixin stuttered to explain that he didn't mean anything wrong but to taste his hand-cooked food.

"I-I-I mean, I want to taste your hand-cooked food. I don't mean that..." whirling his index finger in the air like pointing out the sky without knowing what to imply and saying, "No, I don't mean that thing."

He bit his teeth visibly as he regretted what he just mentioned before—receiving Yuxuan's disgusted, omitted face.

Only then did a sigh of relaxation swirl out through Yuxuan's lips. "No, I won't."

Zixin's eyes dotted as Yuxuan headed inside, leaving him standing right there with an aggrieved expression.

Just when Yuxuan was about to step into the hotel entrance, his foot hung an inch above the floor. He scrupled to step forward as he spared a moment to be concerned about the last expression of Zixin's disappointment. That foot veered around and planted; he was facing downcasted Zixin, whose body was processing and turned to leave incautiously.


Zixin whirled to him quickly, looking ahead for a good result as his face was prepared to be joyous.

"Follow me,"

Yuxyan said, heading inside, and his lips curled into a moderate smile when his ear welcomed the squeaky shoe sound of Zixin coming running behind him.


They were now standing in front of Yuxuan's hotel room door.

Yuxuan twisted his face to look at Zixin. "Turn around," he commented.

"Why?" Zixin asked.

"I'm going to enter the PIN," declared Yuxuan.

"1 7 1 8, your grandma's memorial day." Replied Zixin.

"How do you know about that?" Yuxuan confounded.

"I told you we had met once," Zixin said. He pressed his lips against it together as Yuxuan crumpled his mind to recollect his memory.

"When?" Yuxuan was confused but couldn't remember when or where he had met Zixin before this.

"Come in," Zixin said, going inside the room while Yuxuan was still looking at the place where Zixin was standing before that.

Yuxuan turned and moved inside quickly once he noticed Zixin kept moving inside, and he shut the door behind him. Seeing Zixin was directly going to sit on the sofa, Yuxuan hurried his walk and twisted him by whirling his waist.

Unexpectedly, his consistency of force was a little bit harmful, leading Zixin to fall back on the sofa. "Hey," moaned Yuxuan inside, reaching out his hand to help, which was screaming for help.

At last, Zixin's hand clutched Yuxuan's like a magnet. However, it was too late. Zixin was almost bent where help can't be an assistance. At last, they ended up falling. Yuxuan's front body ended up landing on Zixin as Zixin fell on his back. Zixin's hand hugged Yuxuan's waist, applying tenderness over his hip to ease his anger.

Yuxuan tugged out his face from Zixin's chest and looked up at Zixin's innocently blinking eyes.

"When? When did we meet before this?"

Yuxuan asked, but nothing stimulated him to realise they were clinging to each other like a couple going to have romance.

Zixin closed his eyes, bit his lower lips seductively, and felt his lower private part bulge pumping onto his, which gave no sign of being involved in romance. In a brief moment, his dick responded to his thoughts; his fingers clenched Yuxuan's hip, triggering Yuxuan to realise their two private parts were kissing each other.

Yuxuan placed his hand on his chest, pressing to stand up quickly in order to escape himself from that awkward arrest of Zixin's body.

In a transient second, Zixin turned and fell on his stomach to protect the holy eyes of Yuxuan from meeting his bulged dick beating under his pants that hollering for more romance as Yuxuan wavered his eyes here and there and embarrassingly scrubbed his side neck by standing and showing back.

"Sorry, Yuxuan."

A faint, shrouded voice came from Zixin, who embedded his blushed face on the sofa surface.

"It's okay, I- I'm going to cook now." Stammered to say this, his body moving back and forth to puzzle out his response. He then ran off to the kitchen, leaving Zixin to hold back his emotions, which can't be soothed by his husband right now.

"Oh, shit! Can't you calm down even for a minute?!?" Zixin muttered under his breath, cursing his dick for behaving right at the wrong time. Still, he battled himself to the sofa to shut down his emotions.

In the kitchen, Yuxuan's hand was picking up the milk bottle next to the egg as he hallucinated Zixin's bulged dicks movement around his now, and the grip of his made him regret his decision.

How would it be if I stayed a bit longer?

A longing voice reverberated inside his mind; his body was unconsciously turning around, taking steps forward as his brain sent a message: 'Go to him'


He shook his head and veered back to the fridge. "Oh my gosh! We haven't married yet. What will he think of me? It's wrong. Calm down! Calm down!"

He consoled his emotions overwhelming heart, put back the milk bottle, and took out vegetables and eggs once after coming back to sense.