Expecting me to feed you?

"Are you a fool or something else? Stop talking nonsense! Go and kill him!" Mr. Lau raved.

Exasperation severed. "Mr. Lau, does this sound like nonsense to you?" Zixin's evil voice articulated impunity.

A dread-carried gulp passed Mr. Lau's throat. This is not good for you, he thought to himself instead of responding with words.

"I like him. Drop the idea of killing him." Zixin firmly said, fixedly gazing at Yuxuan, being himself alone in the bustling throng.

"Zixin, this is not going to be what you are expecting. Just because you are going to be with him will not stop our people from killing him. They will listen to our King only, and after all, he is one of the vampires who almost killed our Queen." Mr. Lau calmly elaborated his side concern.

"Need correction, Mr. Lau. He is one of the vampire genres, not the gang that tried to kill my mother." Zixin enunciated.

"So what? Did you forget who your father is?" Mr. Lau demanded that he should reconsider his decision.

Zixin clicked his tongue and said with a choleric face, "Like he wants to protect his love, I will!" The last word was rigid, unlike others, even though it was meagre in voice.

"Zixin, just lis-"

Zixin turned off the Bluetooth, removed it from the ear, and put it inside his pants pocket before heading towards Yuxuan, piercing the dancing crowd.

"Aish!!!" Mr. Lau got pissed off and kicked the gate door as frustration surged through his body.

.......... .......................... ...........

Yuxuan turned off the stove and preferred to wash his hands in the water pipe before making his way to his bedroom.

He opened the door, standing nearby and staring at the floor instead of glimpsing at Yuxuan. "Come and eat!" He said it half-heartedly.




Accusing his silence, Yuxuan pouted in pique, throwing a ferocious stare at the bed, but soon it glazed into an admiring gaze just when it caught napping Zixin's fingers twitching once and twice like newborn sleeping babies' fingers.

His eyelashes blinked with emotionless movement, his foot stepping forward without his declaration. Still, his gaze was on Zixin's half-folded, motionless fingers.

Once he reached the bed, he sat on the knee in front of Zixin's tranquil playing face, who was lying in the bed on his side. Letting out a little sigh, he fixed his admiring gaze on Zixin's adorable sleeping face.

"I didn't mean that,"

A moan came from the leaden movement of Zixin's lips.

Yuxuan reached out for Zixin's front hair, which had been shrouding his forehead, and fondled it. Leaning forward closer to his face, Yuxuan whispered in his ear.

"What did you mean, then?"

Zixin's eyes banged open, his brows rose, and he sat up immediately as Yuxuan stood up and stood to his front.


Stammering was the only thing Zixin could do at that moment because of Yuxuan's proximity.

"So you did that on purpose? I'm going to tell my papa that I don't like you." Yuxuan tried to dig into Zixin's chagrin, moving away from him.


Promptly, Zixin clenched his hand and twirled towards him. Overcoming his struggles to speak, he spoke out.

"That was... We hadn't had breakfast yet. Drinking blood on an empty stomach is not good for your health. That's why... I.."

As Zixin looked up at him, wavering to finish off his sentence, Yuxuan judged Zixin's shivering eyelashes and wobbling Irish.

"Liar!" Yuxuan accused him and flickered on his forehead.


Both of them threw their gawp at Zixin's stomach as Zixin rubbed his stomach embarrassingly.

"Whatever," Yuxuan said, grasping Zixin's hand, which drove down to his stomach to accompany his other hand. "I forgive you for this time only. If you do that again, I will cancel the marriage."

Zixin nodded quickly.

"Come on, let's grab some food for lunch!" Yuxuan pulled him off the bed.

A gratifying smile peeked from both of their corners as they headed out.

Zixin sat at the dining table. Yuxuan made up the dining table and sat directly opposite Zixin once after serving food on Zixin's bowl and plate.

Yuxuan gave a glance at the untouched bowl at Zixin's side and looked straight at Zixin, who was blinking innocently at him, which enunciated that Zixin wanted Yuxuan to feed him.

"Expecting me to feed you?" with a raised eyebrow, Yuxuan asked.

Zixin nodded at a slow pace as his mind was still processing the scowl, and Yuxuan's narrow stare was mailing warnings that his answer should not be a nod.

He immediately switched to shaking his head to say no, picked up his chopstick, and began to have lunch himself.

Half an hour later,

Both were standing in front of the elevator.

"Okay, let's see tomorrow," Yuxuan said, offering a not-too-lovely and not-too-hatred smile.

"Tomorrow?" His voice was gravid with disgruntle.


Elevator opened.

"Yes," Yuxuan firmed, shoving Zixin inside as he put a brake on his feet from sliding in.

"Get in," Yuxuan hoarse seductively at Zixin's ear, defeating Zixin's grip on the floor. Noticing that, Yuxuan pushed him in, waving at him and shooting a playful wink at the melted Zixin.

The elevator door shut, yet Zixin felt Yuxuan's sexy hoarse echoing inside his mind, which was still manipulating his motionless body.

"Such a fool!" With a jovial smile, he veered around, making his way to his hotel room.

Suddenly, he got pinned to the wall even before feeling the rough grip of someone's clutch on his arms.


He grunted his teeth and straightened up his displeasure, dancing face at the person's face.