What happened yesterday night?

Yuxuan was standing, folding his hand across his chest and raising an eyebrow.

"When did I rush you to marry me?" He asked, and hot breath passing out through the nose could be heard by Zixin. That triggered his fear in no time.


Zixin cautiously trailed off with a cracked voice before unravelling the truth. As he witnessed Yuxuan's leaden tilt of the head, like doggies do if they don't get what humans are trying to say, he asked right away.

"Really, you don't have a memory of that?"

Successfully, Zixin collapsed Yuxuan's angry mode. Currently, Yuxuan is clueless.

"Remember what?" Asked Yuxuan.

"You even spanked me for talking back at you," Zixin said.

"Spank you? When did I do that pullshit?" Yuxuan asked, extremely conflicted.

"Yesterday, yesterday night." Zixin calmly said, pinching the bottom corner of Yuxuan's shirt shyly, and to add cuteness, he blinked at him straight for two seconds with pouted lips.

"Yesterday night?" Yuxuan leisurely dug out his memory of yesterday night again as his gaze fell on the delightfully pouting Zixin.

However, all he did see inside his illustration of thoughts was broad daylight. Nothing like the dark sky with a moon and stars didn't seem to appear despite his rewind of yesterday again and again.

Zixin acknowledged that Yuxuan couldn't remember yesterday night. He slid up his hand to the waist of Yuxuan bit by bit, gripped his hip at last, shoved him onto the sofa, and jumped on him as Yuxuan's back head lay on the sofa's armrest after two bounces.

"What are you doing?" Yuxuan couldn't help but hoarse instead of yelling. He dropped his hands on Zixin's back waist for balance.

"I thought you would remember if I did it like this."

Zixin said, looking disenchanted once he spotted a baffled expression on Yuxuan's face. He then sat up and whirled out a disgruntled sigh with a slackened shoulder.

Yet Yuxuan was lying on the sofa, gripping Zixin's tip of the bottom shirt and also judging his disappointment level. It was time. He thought back to the moment when Zixin knew about his house passcode, and he did awaken naked today.

His grip on Zixin's shirt went wild, causing Zixin to turn to him.

Yuxuan looked at him, shocked.

"What the hell did you do to me yesterday night?" His voice barely hit Zixin's ear. His own beating heart, he could hear that.


Zixin asked, clueless about what Yuxuan was asking.

Yuxuan agitatedly sat up; their faces were an inch away from contracting with each other. Zixin felt a sudden rise in the heartbeat and held back his awakened baby down under his pants.

"What the hell did you do to me yesterday night?"

Yuxuan could only fluster. Fear of something dirty that would have happened yesterday stirred his abdomen, and he failed to notice his proximity to Zixin.

A mild cough busted out through Zixin's throat and crashed onto Yuxuan's chin. Still, under his pants and between his thighs, he was battling to control his movement.

"What did you do?" Yuxuan growled.

Even his growl became a hot whisper when it stepped into Zixin's ear. Despite how much his closeness awakened his inner self, he suppressed himself successfully. Now, he looked in the eyes, free from nervousness.

"I will tell you on our first night." His voice carried a spontaneous cool, unlike drooling.

Yuxuan gave a vicious frown, pressed his hands on his chest, and pushed him to fall on the sofa before getting off the sofa.

"Keep your word!" with a dark voice, Yuxuan remarked and made his way to the dining table.

He sat at the dining table, and before putting his hand on the chopstick, he gave a glance to Zixin, who was sitting up.

"Had your dinner?"

"I did before coming to you," Zixin replied shortly, and he went inside the bedroom.

Thereafter, Yuxuan had his dinner alone.

A few minutes later, he finished his dinner and tidied the dinner table as unwashed plates were waiting for him in the sink.

The wall clock struck at 9:00 p.m.

While Yuxuan was scrubbing the frying pan after once flipping his hair bangs up with the forearm, Zixin sneaked under Yuxuan's arms, crossed them smoothly, and straightened up once he glimpsed his stomach facing him. Now he was facing his face closer as Yuxuan tilted his head to one side.

He then held his hips. With a lovely smile, Zixin asked, "Want my help?"

Failing to answer him, Yuxuan froze into his enchanting charms, which would appear only when Zixin splashed a lovely, passion-tinged smile.

Observing his stubborn Irish, Zixin turned around to the sink, pulled the frying pan and scrubber from his hand, and began to clean it with bare hands.

Yuxuan caught sight of his bare hand and snatched it abruptly.

Zixin turned his face towards him, meeting his frown. "Why?" He asked, and Yuxuan could feel the fresh breath that embraced his lips.

"Do not use your bare hand; you will get an allergy," Yuxuan advised, shoving him with his elbow. He lifted one hand above the other, making his way to move away.

"Go, I will take care of these."

"Are you sure?" Zixin wanted to confirm once.

"Hmmm," Yuxuan nodded. "Go and sleep."

"You too, finish this quickly. We have to leave early before the sun comes out," Zixin informed him, and he went to the bedroom.

Ten minutes later...

Yuxuan came in and rested his butt on the bed before lying next to Zixin, who was already asleep.

"Fallen asleep already?" Yuxuan asked himself, looking at his quiet and appealing face. Forgetting he was here to sleep, Yuxuan pulled his hand over Zixin's front chest and dropped his index finger on his naked chest, which had been peeking out from the unbuttoned shirt.

"Woah!" Yuxuan wondered like a child and kept tracing it up and down once it felt like sliding on nylon.

How did he get this kind of skin? He asked himself, swallowed his desire, clenched, and stopped his hand from going down his waist quickly when he realised he was out of control.

"Control yourself, Yuxuan. Just two nights, then these are all yours."

A piece of advice from inside his thought halted him and caused him to button up Zixin's shirt, which almost stimulated his whole desire. He then lay next to him and wrapped the bedsheet up to his head before shutting his eyes.