Mizuno's Dream-part 2

#Inside the Cave of Mr. Saleh

Mizuno followed the smoky figure. He felt the melancholy of the mysterious shadow being slowly conveyed to him. His heart resonated with the muffled, sniffing, and whimpering voice of his shadowy companion. He felt a warm stream of tears on his cheeks.

"Hey! I don't know what your pain is, but I can feel what you feel. Can you tell me what happened?"

The shadow companion did not say anything, or rather, he could not say anything. Mizuno heard his hushed moans of sadness. He felt every teardrop and every tremor of that shadowy body that mourned for his loss. Mizuno felt he was forgetting something very important. His empathy for the shadow balled up in his throat like a foaming ocean.

The little shadow boy looked back with a longing and poined to a faraway place, "Come, it's there." Mizuno looked in that direction. All he could see was the cold darkness.

"Where? I cannot see anything!" He looked at the shadow.

"It's there... Come with me."