Where Leisure Knows No Bounds

#A leisurely Mizuno

The big Croc Kumvir was taking a nap after a great feast. Mizuno did not want to ask how to eat the fish. Naturally, he would have to discard the skin and eat only the flesh. Anyway, he gave enough time for the fish to cook. He took a broken branch and pulled the fish out of the fire. It was too hot. He slowly poked around the hardened earthen shell. After a few pokes, the coating broke, and he was able to see the juicy piece of fish—smoking hot. He used the branch to pry open only a part of the fish to cool it down.

He looked around. Only he and Kumvir were on the shore. Nocturnal animals and birds were making various familiar noises. Occasionally, he heard howls from wolves.

"Are those the same wolves? It would be nice if they would come here. I could play with the little one," Mizuno thought.