On the way to Velabista

#To Velabista

Kenzo Akiyama was a well built man of thirty four. He was quite tall, around six feet, with short black silky hair back brushed, a bulbous nose, and black eyes.

Outwardly, he seemed to not talk too much but was a very hard working man. Although he was the senior to Kim, he let her work freely. He believed that with too much restriction, people tend to go lazy, and their talent would go to waste.

He was nice to everyone, and people thought he was too nice to handle the police work. However, his track record said otherwise. In fact, he was one of the most decorated officers in his violent crime department. However, this was one of the most mysterious cases in his life.

The weather was nice, cool, and windy. The sun was not burning so hot. Kenzo opened the side windows a little bit to let air pass through. As he ventured outside the border of Ayodale, the crowd of tall buildings thinned out. There were more trees and less traffic. He looked at his gas reserve.