Mizuno's Solo Mission: Part 1

#Mr. Begemot's Den

The first day of starvation was not so difficult for a little boy like Mizuno to bear. He discovered a trick. First, when he felt hungry, he would start focusing on something else. He found out that it took only half an hour or so to forget he was ever hungry. He loved playing around and floating in the water. Mizuno was a boy who he felt was always alone, somehow. He did not know the cause but he felt he had always been lonely.

Life in the jungle was one of boredom. Counting waves, clouds, birds, ants, and so on could only help Mizuno so much to spend the long day. It took the first day to exhaust him of his energy. It made his body very tired and he slept a lot during the second day. A long sleeping session made him feel energetic again. So he played again.