Strange Fire at Arnotville Black Market: Part 5

#Arnotville Medical Center

Evening of the fire event at the black market site. The mission at Arnotvilled went up in a strange flame. Detective Kim’s whereabouts at the time were unknown to her colleagues. They weren’t even aware that she was on a solo mission. No one was looking for her when she was lying unconscious on a hospital bed.

The paramedics transported her quickly to the hospital, while another police car followed. They needed to know what happened in there. They must report this to the higher ups. The news and TV channels created a lot of commotion throughout the country. The top brass at the head quarters had been getting a lot of calls for the truth about the fire.

When the paramedics got the unknown lady down from the ambulance and entered the ER, two police officers followed closely. They must listen to what the doctors had to say about the woman.

The doctors quickly received the patient.

“What’s the situation?”