Chapter 1 - Andrew

I open my eyes and look around my room. Well my mother's lab. You see I'm not human...I'm a robot that mother built because she couldn't have kids with her wife.

"Andrew it's time to get up and get ready."

"Okay mom."

I unplug myself from my bad (which is were I get charged as well) and start to get ready. I go down stairs to see both my mother's making lovey lovey faces at each other.

"Mom and mother B?"

They both look at me with big smiles on their faces.

"Have a wonderful day at school. And don't let anyone find out that you're a robot."

I just grab my backpack and walk out of the house. Once I'm outside I look ar everyone like I was programmed to.

My mother wanted me to be with someone but she really wants me to be with a guy. So she made sure that I would really look at guys but there was a big and I really look at girls more than guys.


I turn around to see a girl with beautiful mint green hair, amazing bright blue eyes, a perfect peach skin color and she was walking up to me.

"Your new to the school right?"


"Well the school is going to have a class president and I'm going for it and I wanted to know if you would help me and my friends."


"Thanks,see you after school."

She walks by me and I see her catching up with a girl. And from the way they were looking at each other, they liked each other.

I sigh and go to my locker. Everyone that I meet they are either with someone or they are about to be.


I start falling and close my eyes afraid people were going to see what I really was. But the ground never came and I stopped falling. One eye opens and then the other because of the person who caught me.

He had a perfect tan-ish pale skin, black and brown hair, and one eye was brown and the other had an eye patch.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm okay. A-are you?"


He helps me stand straight up and let's my hand go

"You're new here, right?"


He smiles at me and my face started to turn red.

"You gonna tell my your name?"

"I-it's Andrew."

"Well then Andrew my name is Adon."


"That's the bell," he looks at me," see you later Andrew."

He waves goodbye to me and I run to my first period class.

At lunch I walk to the nurses office to see my aunt. Then I'm pulled back and my back hits the wall,which hurts, and I could feel someone holding my left shoulder.

"Hey there cutie. Where are you going? Why don't you come with me so we can be alone?"

From the voice it wasn't Adom's and the weather was talking I was scared. He moved closer to me and his other hand went on my chest.

"Please stop..."

"Aww, I like it when you say please," he leans close to my ear,"Say it against. "

From the way he was saying it and what my program was telling me was that this boy gets turned on when someone is scared and asks them to stop with the word please.

"Say it again for me, and I might go easy on you."

His hand moves slowly from my chest down. I tried to move away from him but he pushed me harder on the wall.

"No,no,no,no...that's a bad move to make cutie-"


I look to see Adom with the two girls I saw this morning.

"What do you want Adom?"

"I want the boy, Winston."

Winston smiles, let's me get off the wall but he holds my close.

"And why would you want cutie here anyway? You're to cold hearted."

"You made me that way! You cheated on me! You hit me!"

"Well you were a freak with that eye that changed colors."

I look at him and he looks at me. He sighs and takes the eyes patch off. I gasped quietly for him not to hear. His other eye was the color red

"What does red mean again?" Winston asked.

"It means I'm angry. So let him go."

Winston pushes me to the ground and runs to Adom. But Adom moves to the left, right when Winston throws a punch. Then Adom spins and hits Winston in the head with his foot. Adom puts Winston's hands behind his back, puts his knees on his hands then he picks his head up by his hair.

"Don't touch my sister's friend again. Or I will kill you."

Winston smiles and he gets Adom off. They both stand up.

"This isn't over cutie. I'll be back for you."

Winston walks away and Adom starts to go after him but I have Adams hand in mine.

"Please Adom don't. You saved me already and I don't want you to get in trouble."

I was looking at the ground so I don't know what his face was saying but I could feel the anger leaving him. Then I hear a sigh.

"Fine, only because you're right."

I look up to see him putting his eye patch back on. He looks at me with a cold stare than walks away.

"Don't take what my brother said or the look seriously. I think he likes you, but he's just not ready for that kind of commitment."

I look at the girl with the mint green hair. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Andrew, where have you been?"

I look behind the girl to see my aunt in her nurse outfit walking up to us.

"Oh, hello Victoria."

"Hello Mrs. Dee." said the girl with the mint green hair

"Andrew come with me before you have to go to class."

"Okay...see you guys later."

"Bye Andrew."

I walk with my aunt to the nurses office. Once were inside she closed the door and checks my while body to see if anything was wrong.

"You okay? No wire gone lose? I need to know so-"

"Aunt Dee Dee I'm fine, just need to be recharged. That's all."

She has my lay down and plugs me up to a back up charge. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.

"Andrew it's time to get up. You missed your fifth period but you have enough time to get to your sixth period class."

I open my eyes to see that my aunt unplugged my from the charger. I get my backpack, and gave my aunt a hug."

"Thanks Aunt Dee Dee."

I leave the nurses office and go to my sixth period class. When I get in the classroom I see Adom in the class with his sister sitting next to him.

"Hey Andrew come sit in front of me!"said the sister.

I smile and walk up to the chair in front of Victoria. I turn to face them. Victoria smiled at me and Adom was on his phone.

"You weren't in our fifth period class."

"Oh, um...I was in the nurses office."


"Victoria you shouldn't ask people things like that. It's really none of your business."

I look at Adom to see he was looking at Victoria. His eyes flicker to me then back at his sister.

"Sorry." she said.

"It's okay Victoria...but I don't want to answer."

"That's fine. Hey, you going to stay after school to help."



Soon school was over and I used my aunt's phone to tell my mother that I was staying g after school to help someone. She said that it was okay as long as I came home safe.

"Thanks again for helping Andrew."

"No problem."

We tapped the last corner of the poster. She took my arm and she took me outside.

"It looks like it's going to rain."

I look up to see the dark sky. How can I get home now? Both my mother's can't drive in the rain and I can't get wet. Mother also needs to fix that.

"You okay?"

"I-I can walk home I the rain."

"I'm sure my brother will take you home. I don't mind walking home in the rain."


She runs to a black car and leans down. Her hands move as she talks. Then she's begging and then she starts to smile. She runs back to me.

"My brother said that he's going to take you home."


She takes my arm, walks my to the car and opens the passenger door.

"Thanks again for taking Andrew home."

"Yeah whatever."

She moves out of the way and I have to keep my mouth closed. Adoms hair (his bangs) was pulled out of his face and he was wearing a black jacket that had Rose's on the sleeves.

"See you tomorrow Andrew."

I look to see Adams sister waving goodbye. I wave Bye and get in the car.

"So where do you live?" he asked.

"The only house that has a glass dome for a roof."

He nods his head and drives. The ride to my house was quiet and I didn't like it.

"S-so why did you agree to take me home?"

I look at him to see him smile.

"God you're as bad as my sister with that."

"So you're not going to tell me?"

"Look my sister can get me to do favors for her. And this one was a favor that I had to do or she was going to do something."

"Like what?"

He doesn't answer me and he stops the car.

"Here's your house."

I look to see my plaid, White House with small bushes in front of the porch, the homemade windchimes. And the glass dome, my room.


"Its raining and from what my sister said you seem to be afraid of water."

I look at him to see him taking his jacket off. He hands it to me and I take it from me.

"You can take this so you don't get wet."

"Th-thanks r-really..."

"Yeah sure."

He doesn't seem to like that he had to bring me home. So I put the jacket on and get out of the car.


I turn around to see the window rolled down


"Thanks for helping my sister."


He nods his head and drives away. I smile run up to my house. Once I'm inside and I take the jacket off my mother has me in her arms

"My God how did you get home without getting way?"

"A friend brought me home and have me his jacket."

"So a boy took you home."

My face becomes red and my mother's evil smile appears.

"Yes mother and Aunt DeeDee said that you should fix it to where my emotions doesn't drain my power to where I have to charge."

"Sure. Just go to your room and get ready for bed."

I nod my head and go to my room. When I get there I start changing into my pajamas. Then my mind goes to Adom. How he caught me before I fell, how he helped me get away from Winston. I wonder what it would be like to hold his hand. To pull him close to me so I could...I fall to my floor and try to breath.

"Damn it mother why did you make me like this."

I climb into bed, and plug myself to charge. Then I close my eyes with Adam appearing into my dreams.