Chapter 4: Dix Célestes

Spice and Saffron were sitting in the school's cafeteria, enjoying their lunch, when the topic of Dix Célestes came up. "Dix Célestes is French for Ten Heavens, Spice," Saffron said, her pride evident in her expression.

The Dix Célestes were the top 10 students in their school, known for their unique abilities and exceptional culinary skills. As the conversation continued, Spice couldn't help but feel envious of those students who made the cut.

"Hey, Saffron," Spice said. "How are the Dix Célestes selected?"

Saffron took a bite of her sandwich and pondered for a moment. "From what I understand, students are nominated by their teachers, and then a panel of judges evaluates their skills and abilities. They look at everything from creativity to execution, and those who score the highest get in."

"That sounds like a lot of pressure," Spice said, taking a sip of her juice. "No wonder they're the top students in our school."

Saffron nodded in agreement. "But it's not just about being the best at cooking. Each Dix Céleste has a unique talent that makes them stand out. Some excel in pastry arts, while others specialize in molecular gastronomy. It's all about bringing something new and innovative to the table."

Spice was fascinated by this. "What kind of abilities has Dix Célestes showcased in the past?"

Saffron smiled. "Oh, there have been so many! One of the Dix Célestes from last year created a dish using liquid nitrogen, while another incorporated edible flowers and insects into their plates. It's amazing to see the kind of creativity and innovation that comes from these students. I still remember the day that I was introduced to them."

"So, what happened?" Spice curiously asked


Saffron watched in awe as the Dix Célestes walked onto the stage. Each student member oozed confidence and exuded a unique energy that was all their own. As they introduced themselves and showcased their skills, Saffron knew that these were not ordinary culinary students.

First up was Rye, who specialized in molecular gastronomy. He had won countless awards for his creative use of techniques. He could take seemingly unrelated ingredients and create edible masterpieces using techniques like spherification and emulsification. His dishes were both visually stunning and delicious. Next was Sage, who was known for her impeccable presentation skills. Her dishes were not just delicious, but stunning works of art. She had an eye for design and could arrange a dish in such a way that it looked like a work of art. Her presentation skills were unmatched in the school, and she was often called on to cater high-end events.

Then there was Lemonne, who was an absolute wizard when it came to pastry. From macarons to croissants to elaborate wedding cakes, there was no dessert that Lemonne couldn't master with his signature flare for flavor combinations. Her desserts were always crowd-pleasers.

Saffron was particularly impressed by Laurel, who had a keen talent for balancing different textures. Her dishes had the perfect amount of crunch, chewiness, and creaminess. She was a texture goddess, able to combine different textures in a way that was both elegant and satisfying. She created dishes with contrast: crispy and soft, smooth and gritty, and always with a creative twist. Then there was Ambrosia, who took inspiration from her cultural roots to create unique fusion dishes that were both comforting and exotic. Blending her Korean background with new techniques and flavors from other cuisines, her dishes were unique and comforting, with an exotic twist that always left you wanting more. Moreover, there was Ava. Ava is a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean her dishes are bland. She specializes in creating flavorful and delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes that even meat lovers can enjoy.

As the last few students introduced themselves, Saffron couldn't help but feel inspired by their passion and skills. There was Maki, who was a master of meat dishes, able to cook and elevate different cuts of meat to perfection. From prime rib to rack of lamb, he knew how to treat each cut with the right combination of herbs and spices to bring out the best flavors. And Nori, who had perfected the art of sushi-making, was a sushi master with an attention to detail that was second to none. From the precise cuts of fish to the perfect ratio of rice to vinegar, every part of her sushi was carefully crafted to create the ultimate bite. And finally, there was Kale, who had a talent for elevating humble ingredients. He could take a simple potato and turn it into a dish that would blow your mind. He had a talent for taking simple ingredients and turning them into extraordinary dishes. His dishes were hearty and full of flavor, always with a little something unexpected thrown in. He was a master of comfort food with a twist.

Saffron sat down with each of the Dix Célestes over the next few weeks, eager to learn more about their unique abilities. Rye showed her how to create edible foams using a siphon, and Sage gave her tips on how to plate a dish for maximum impact. Lemonne taught her how to make a perfect croissant

As she spent time with the Dix Célestes, Saffron began to realize just how different each student's skill set was. They were more than just talented chefs; they were artists, innovators, and scientists all rolled into one. Laurel showed Saffron how to create a dish that combined soft poached eggs with crispy bacon and crunchy croutons, while Ambrosia introduced her to Korean fermented vegetables.

Maki's beef Wellington was the stuff of legends, and Nori's perfectly seasoned sushi kept Saffron coming back for more. Ava created a hearty vegetable stew that cleanses your palate from the oils from the meat, which was to die for. And Kale? Kale showed her how to make potato skins that were stuffed with goat cheese and candied bacon, a dish that Saffron would never forget.

Spice couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the Dix Célestes. "I don't know if I could ever be that good," she said.

Saffron put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Spice. You have your own unique abilities, and who knows? Maybe someday you'll be one of the Dix Célestes.

Spice smiled, feeling encouraged by her friend's words. As they finished their lunch, she knew that she had a lot to learn in order to become one of the top students in the school. But with hard work and dedication, she was determined to get there.

Spice trudged down the hallway of the dorm, her backpack slung over her shoulder and her expression sour. She had just finished a long day of classes and was looking forward to nothing more than collapsing onto her bed and shutting out the world. However, as she turned a corner, she found herself face-to-face with Kale, who was walking in the opposite direction.

Spice scowled at her former classmate, who had always managed to rub her the wrong way. "What do you want?" she growled.

Kale's expression was neutral, but Spice could see a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Nothing, really. Just heading back to the dorm. What about you?"

Spice sneered. "Same here. And you know what else we have in common? The fact that we're stuck being partners in that stupid cooking class."

Kale shrugged. "Yeah, I know. But we'll just have to make the best of it, won't we?"

Spice's eyes narrowed. "You're acting like you don't remember what you did to me last when I just got here."

Kale's expression softened slightly. "Your talents are something, but I still don't trust how you got admitted here with the director's recommendation."

Spice scoffed. "Yeah, right. Just because I won the scholarship because of a cooking contest."

Kale's tone turned icy. "You're being paranoid. Moreover, frankly, I don't care about your life that much. I have my own stuff to worry about."

Spice bristled at the dismissal, but before she could retort, Kale had already turned and started walking away. She stood there for a moment, fuming, before shaking her head and continuing on her way to the dorm. The thought of having to work with Kale for the rest of the semester made her want to scream.

Spice sat down on her bed, feeling a little homesick. It had been a few weeks since she had talked to her family, and she was starting to miss them. She grabbed her phone and dialed her mom's number.

"Hey, Spice!" her mom answered. "How's school treating you?"

"It's good," Spice said, trying to sound upbeat. "Classes are challenging, but I'm learning a lot."

Her mom laughed. "I'm sure you're doing great. And what about your dorm room? Have you settled in?"

Spice looked around her room, which was starting to feel more like home. "Yeah, it's starting to feel like my own space. And speaking of home, how is everybody doing?"

Her mom updated her on her dad's job and her little sister Naia's latest soccer game. Spice could not help but feel a pang of homesickness as she listened. She missed her family and the little town where she grew up.

"That's great to hear," Spice said, trying to muster a smile. "How's Naia doing?"

"She's doing well," her mom said. "She scored a goal in her last game!"

Spice smiled, feeling proud of her little sister. "I miss her. Can I talk to her for a bit?"

"Sure thing, Naia!" her mom called. "It's Spice on the phone!"

It took a few moments for Naia to come on the line, but when she did, her voice was bubbly and excited. "Hey, Spice! Guess what? I scored a goal in my soccer game!"

"I heard!" Spice said, grinning. "That's amazing! I'm so proud of you."

Naia chattered on about her game and her school projects, and Spice felt her heart swell with love for her little sister. Despite the distance between them, they were still close.

As they said their goodbyes and hung up, Spice couldn't help but feel a little homesick again. But she knew that she had to keep pushing forward. MFSCA was a new adventure, and she was determined to make the most of it.

As Spice was cooking up a storm in the dorm kitchen, she suddenly heard a loud "HELLO THERE!" and almost dropped the pot she was holding. Startled, she turned around to see a bright-eyed girl with a big smile on her face. "I'm Brie!" the girl exclaimed. "I heard you cooking from down the hall, and I just had to come and meet you!"

Spice was taken aback by Brie's sudden appearance but found herself quickly charmed by the girl's infectious energy. "Nice to meet you," Spice said with a smile. "What brings you to the kitchen?"

"I'm a bit of a foodie myself, and we are dorm mates, actually," Brie said, winking. "I couldn't help but notice how amazing your food smells! What are you cooking?"

Spice chuckled, gesturing to the pot on the stove. "Just some chicken and rice. Nothing too fancy."

Brie's eyes widened in amazement. "Just chicken and rice?" she exclaimed. "That's incredible! You know, I'm pretty handy in the kitchen myself. Would you mind if I cooked something up while we chat?"

Spice nodded, intrigued by Brie's confidence. As Brie cooked her stir-fry, she moved with ease and confidence around the kitchen, selecting ingredients with a practiced eye and chopping them with precision. She started by heating up a generous amount of oil in a large pan over high heat. As the oil started to sizzle, she added diced garlic and ginger, stirring them together for a few seconds until the fragrant aroma filled the air.

Next, she added thinly sliced chicken breast to the pan, stirring it constantly until it turned golden brown on all sides. As she did this, she sprinkled in a few pinches of salt and pepper for flavor. Once the chicken was cooked, she removed it from the pan and set it aside on a plate.

In the same pan, Brie added a colorful array of vegetables, including sliced red and green bell peppers, snow peas, and shredded carrots. She added a pinch of salt and a drizzle of soy sauce and then stirred them for a few minutes until they were slightly softened but still crisp.

Finally, Brie added the cooked chicken back into the pan, along with a handful of chopped scallions and a splash of sesame oil. She stirred everything together for a few more seconds until the ingredients were evenly distributed and the sauce was simmering.

As Brie turned off the heat and scooped the stir-fry into a large serving dish, Spice couldn't help but be amazed by the amount of skill and attention to detail that went into each step of the process. Brie's stir-fry looked and smelled delicious, and Spice couldn't wait to dig in and taste the fruits of her new friend's culinary talents. Spice eagerly took a fork and helped herself to a generous portion of Brie's stir-fry. As she took her first bite, her eyes widened in amazement. The flavors exploded in her mouth, with each ingredient distinct and perfectly balanced. The chicken was tender and juicy, the vegetables crisp and fresh, and the sauce was a perfect mix of savory and slightly sweet.

"Mmmmm!" Spice exclaimed, her mouth full of food. "This is amazing, Brie! How did you get all these flavors to work so perfectly together?"

Brie smiled, pleased with the praise. "It's all about the balance of flavors," she said. "You want each ingredient to shine on its own, but also complement the others. And you have to be careful not to overpower anything with too much seasoning or sauce."

Spice nodded in understanding, savoring each bite of the delicious stir-fry. As she ate, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter with Brie in the dorm kitchen. Not only had she made a new friend, but she had also discovered a new appreciation for the art of cooking.

Amazed by Brie's cooking, Spice took over the kitchen, heating up her wok and tossing in the chicken and vegetables. But instead of just seasoning it with salt and pepper, she added a pinch of cumin, a dash of paprika, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.

When the stir-fry was ready, Brie and Spice both dug in eagerly. As they chewed and savored the flavors, they both knew that Spice's version was the winner.

"This is amazing," Brie said, grinning.

Spice beamed with pride. "Thanks! I just added a few extra spices."

Brie nodded, still chewing. "You definitely elevated this dish. I'm going to have to step up my game."

Spice laughed. "Don't worry, there's always room for improvement. And besides, we can keep cooking together and learning from each other."

As they finished their meal and cleaned up the kitchen together, Spice couldn't wait to try out some of Brie's techniques and experiment with her own flavors in the future. She had a feeling that her time in the dorm kitchen was about to get a whole lot more interesting, thanks to her talented new friend, Brie.

Brie was sitting at the kitchen table in the dorm, staring intently at her friend Spice, who was finishing up her meal. Brie had been meaning to ask Spice about how she got into their school, and now seemed like as good a time as any.

"Hey, Spice," Brie began tentatively. "I was just wondering, how did you get admitted to our school?"

Spice looked up from her plate, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Oh, that. I got in through a scholarship that I won in an eating contest held by Dulce Brielle."

Brie's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard of Dulce Brielle before; it was a famous patisserie cafe owned by the Fournier Empire, the same owner of their school.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Brie exclaimed. "How did you even find out about the contest?"

Spice grinned. "I've always been pretty good at eating, and I heard about the contest through some foodie friends online. I figured I might as well give it a shot, and I ended up winning!"

Brie was still in shock. "That's so cool. However, how did the school director recommend you? That's not something that happens every day."

Spice shrugged. "I'm not sure, honestly. Maybe it was because of my performance in the contest. On the other hand, maybe Persimmon Louis Grant-Fournier just liked my application. Either way, I'm grateful for the opportunity."

Brie nodded slowly, taking it all in. She could not help but feel a mix of shock and curiosity—she had never met someone who had gotten into their school through such unconventional means.

As they sat there in the kitchen, the conversation turned to other topics, but Brie could not shake the feeling that there was more to Spice's story than what she had revealed. She made a mental note to ask Spice more about it later.

Brie and Spice were chatting about their day at culinary school. The topic of conversation turned to Kale, another student in their class, and Spice couldn't help but express her frustration with him.

"I just don't understand why Kale has it out for me," Spice said, shaking her head. "Ever since the first day we met, he's been accusing me of using my connections to get into this school, which isn't true at all."

Brie listened intently, taking a sip of her coffee. She had known Kale for a few years before they both started culinary school, and she had always thought he was a great guy. "Maybe he's just intimidated by you," she suggested. "You're so talented, maybe he's just insecure." "Hey, I remember that food festival we had in school last year. That was the day I first saw Kale cook. "

Spice's eyes widened as she got curious, "Well, what happened? "

Brie looked at her, a smile spreading across her face. "I remember I was so nervous about my dish, but then Kale showed up and blew everyone away with his cooking."

Spice leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Really? I didn't know Kale was that good."

Brie nodded again. "He's amazing. I still remember how he worked with such precision and skill, the way he chopped the vegetables and mixed the spices. And the dish he made was so delicious, I couldn't stop eating it."

Spice leaned back, staring at the clouds as she imagined the scene. "I wish I could have been there to see it."

"It was incredible," Brie continued, "and the best part was seeing the look on everyone's faces when they tasted his food. I knew right then that Kale was destined for great things."

Spice shrugged. "I don't know. It just bothers me that he's always so negative toward me. And then, to make matters worse, he became my temporary partner in our cooking class. I can barely stand to be in the same room as him."

Brie nodded sympathetically. "I get it. However, try not to let him get to you. He may be cold and a little temperamental, but he really is great at cooking. After all, he got the top spot in Dix Celestes."

Spice's eyes widened in shock and a hint of annoyance. "Kale? Are you serious?" she asked, incredulous. "I had no idea he was that good."

Brie nodded, her expression serious. "He's been working hard and perfecting his craft. He definitely deserves the top spot."

Spice couldn't believe it. "I can't believe he is the top placeholder," she muttered under her breath, feeling annoyed.

Brie noticed the change in Spice's tone and quickly tried to reassure her. "Don't worry, Spice. You can join next year since the seniors are graduating."

Spice forced a smile, but inside she was seething. She could not stand the thought of being beaten by Kale, especially when it came to cooking. "I need to try that dish for myself," she said, her annoyance fuelling her determination.

Brie laughed, patting Spice's arm. "You'll get your chance. Who knows, maybe you'll even be able to top him."

Spice nodded, feeling a renewed sense of motivation. She was going to do whatever it took to come out on top next year. She could not wait to show Kale what she was really made of.

Spice sighed. "I know, but it's easier said than done."

Brie smiled encouragingly. "Just keep doing what you're doing, Spice. You are amazing and you deserve to be here. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

Spice had been curious about the Southern Star Dormitory ever since she first arrived at the school. She had heard whispers about it from other students, and they all seemed to agree that there was something special about the place. Spice couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Brie, can I ask you something?" she said.

"Sure, what's up?" Brie replied, looking up from her textbook.

"What's so special about our dormitory? The Southern Star Dormitory, I mean. Everyone talks about it like it's some kind of magical place or something."

Brie smiled. "Well, it kind of is. The Southern Star Dormitory is one of the oldest and most prestigious dorms in the school. It's a three-story building with a farm and a lake, and only ten students are selected to live here each year."

"Ten students? That's not many at all," Spice said, surprised.

"No, it's not. But that's part of what makes it so special. The students who live here are carefully selected based on their academic achievements and their ability to cook. They're some of the best and brightest students in the school."

Spice nodded, impressed. "And what about the farm and the lake?"

"The farm is tended to by the students, and it provides fresh produce for the school's cafeteria. The lake is a great place for swimming and fishing, and there are even some boats that the students can use. It's really a beautiful place."

Spice was starting to understand why the Southern Star Dormitory was so highly regarded. "So why do you think we were chosen to live here?"

Brie shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but I think it's because we both have a lot of potential. But nobody really knows."

Spice was still in awe of the Southern Star Dormitory and all the privileges that came with living there. But there was something that still puzzled her.

"Brie, can I ask you another question?" she said, looking up from her book.

"Of course," Brie replied.

"Who decides who gets to live in the Southern Star Dormitory? I mean, who gets to decide which students are 'the best and brightest'?"

Brie smiled knowingly. "Ah, that's a good question. The selection process is actually quite rigorous. The school's admissions committee is responsible for selecting the ten students who will live in the dormitory each year."

Spice's eyes widened. "So it's not just based on grades and academic achievement?"

Brie shook her head. "No, it's not. The committee also takes into account extracurricular activities, leadership potential, and even personal background. They want to make sure that the students who live in the Southern Star Dormitory are not only smart but also well-rounded and responsible."

Spice nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. So, who's on the admissions committee?"

Brie chuckled. "I'm not exactly sure. But I know that it's made up of a group of faculty members and administrators who are very involved in the school's community. They take their job very seriously."

Spice couldn't help but be impressed. She knew that getting accepted into the Southern Star Dormitory was a big deal, and now she understood why. It wasn't just about having good grades; it was about being a well-rounded student with a lot of potential.

"So, do you remember that day when you first arrived at our dorm?" Spice asked as she settled in beside her.

Brie frowned for a moment before the memory clicked into place. "Oh, you mean the day I made that first meal for everyone?"

Spice nodded eagerly. "Yes! That's the one."

Brie chuckled, remembering how she had practically lived in that kitchen for the better part of the day. "Yeah, I was a little tense. Cooking is how I deal with stress, and there was plenty of that to go around." Brie's smile faltered slightly as she recalled the reaction of another member of the dorm. "Well, actually, Kale had some good things to say about my cooking."

Spice raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? I didn't know that."

Brie nodded, pleased at the recollection. "Yeah, he said he liked the way I seasoned the chicken, and he thought the green beans were cooked just right."

Spice grinned broadly. "That's amazing! I wish he wasn't rude to you just as he was to me."

Brie shrugged. "It's okay. I'm just happy he liked it. He's a great cook himself, so I was a little nervous cooking for him."

Spice chuckled. "I can imagine. But hey, now you know he approves of your cooking skills."

Brie smiled, feeling relieved and grateful for the positive feedback. "Yeah, that's a good feeling." Spice wrinkled her nose, "but it still does not change the fact that he is a douchebag."