Shine Bright

At the port, Drake watched the ship fade into the distance when Marianne suddenly arrived, a sight that struck Lucille as unusual.

"Why is she here?" Lucille asked, arching her brows at Drake.

"I told you we have to catch Zack this time," Drake responded.

"Now? Without even making sure Ely arrives at the island first?" Lucille's confusion was evident at Drake's abrupt plan, which could potentially disrupt her own arrangement to meet with Eleanor later.

"She'll be fine. She's with Aunt Ling," he assured.

"Why do you trust Aunt Ling so much?" Lucille inquired.

"She's already proven herself trustworthy, so you don't have to worry," he replied.

"When did she prove it? You hired her just recently," Lucille pressed.

"A long time ago..."

"Excuse me, but can we focus?" Marianne interjected, subtly nudging Lucille aside without Drake's notice. "Kale Justinbaste returned to Bellrox. He's meeting with the directors."