The two tribes stared at each other. Kkelea held Ewik's hand tightly. She remembered the words of Fizkwik the Scream, the night she had warned her of her mother's plans: "Soon the other tribe will join ours. In it travel exiles, alien to our rules. It is the perfect time for change, and Kkrya knows it. We must not fear her, she must fear us." She had also charged her son, now more than ever. Kkelea would not let him go for anything in the world.

Zanarah stepped forward. From her posture and the way she wagged her tail, she looked tense. On the other side, a hyaenid of similar build but with a strange smile and a huge broken sword stood ready to greet her. Kkelea didn't hear what they said, but they seemed to know each other. It must be her sister, Helirah. She understood that in her mind there was only war. She could see it in her face, in her posture, in the way she tensed and stretched her fingers.

"Who is the leader, the invincible?" Ewik asked him.