There was a knock on his door. It was Breist, the knight with the golden mane.
"We are summoned to an urgent meeting."
"What is the matter?" Asked Dannke, although he already knew.
"The strange illness that has afflicted Her Majesty and the Captain of the Guard. Moreover, the knights have returned from the front. Or rather, they fled."
"Where are Kris and Yolti? I want to talk to them before the meeting."
"Yolti is resting in the barracks. Kris... he rests forever."
Dannke grimaced. He did not like many people, but he liked those two. Maybe because they had grown up together in the rough streets of Les Iuria. He hurried to the barracks. Yolti lay on a bunk. He looked exhausted, but unharmed. He shook him.
"Dannke, how nice to see you," he said without changing his worried face.
"You were one of the lucky ones. Then we lost. Tell me what you saw, how the savages fight, how many there are and what their weakness is."