The temple bells rang out, telling everyone of the sad news. People gathered at the gates, curious to know what had happened, probably believing it to be war or rebellion. Dannke watched them from the top of the castle's inner wall. After three days of unbearable agony, and after all the doctors, wise men, and healers had been baffled, Helibel had died. Just before nightfall, the nobles met to decide what to do. They were to name Darent, Lorent's son, as the new monarch; but since Helibel had never officially named him as such, Dannke imagined they would omit that promise and discuss a new successor. The Bloody Terror's age had robbed him of his wits to the point where he didn't even know where he was. Bekwin had fled four days ago. That left Nimeral as the only major candidate.
Breist stood beside him.
"Everything is ready."
"Perfect, tell Yolti I'm going to see him now."
Breist looked at the crowd.
"Do you think they are in mourning?"