The slaves were dragged into the central square with a total lack of dignity, as if they were pigs to be slaughtered before the spring festival. Dannke appeared with Yolti, the new captain of the guard, and several soldiers. Since the executioners had not yet heard the good news, he was not given the welcome he deserved. The horsemen of death continued to execute the slaves, five at a time, and throw the bodies into a cart to be burned. The bloody spectacle no longer interested the mob, who no twice looked in that direction.
Dannke looked at Yolti and nodded slightly. An order from him alerted the trumpeters, and they sounded their instruments with a great roar, drawing the attention of the uninformed soldiers and the people.
"By order of His Majesty," cried Yolti, "Emperor Dannke I, all slaves must be freed."
The soldiers looked at each other in confusion. The highest-ranking one approached angrily.