There was no end to the blood orgy. The city was immense, but even more immense was the fury of the Red Moon Army. People ran from one side to the other, unable to find cover.
Zanarah was the first to charge when the men decided to confront her. Her anger prevented her from seeing the danger of being too confident. Zeppel had to come to her aid whenever the soldiers stood their ground. Kkelea soon noticed that they were splitting up. Because the city was so large, and the street grid so complex, the rebels were scattered like dry land at the mercy of the wind. She ran to Scourge.
"We must regroup. If we keep splitting up, the humans will overtake us."
Scourge looked around. He found a large building, sheathed his flaming sword and pierced the rock with his mighty fists, creating an ascending staircase. When he reached the roof, he let out a shrill yell. This caused the rebels to stop and approach him. Then he shouted: