It's already morning, my head and eyes hurt. I'll talk to Steven at school later to clear everything up so we can go back to normal, me and him. I took my morning rituals, when I was done fixing my hair I received a message from Chantal that she will be heading to our school early and she said that we'll see each other there. I wore my glasses and go straight to school.
I already arrived at school were Chantal, Relina and Ella waiting for me at the student’s lounge, once they saw me they gave me a big hug, sure they would. They are with me last night... they know what happened, but why did they told Ella immediately?
"Ella, tell Liana what you saw last week" Chantal started
"What are you talking about B" I ask Chantal
"Listen what Ella will tell you" Chantal replied with a calm voice
"Look Liana I'm really sorry for not telling you this earlier, I just wanted to be sure" Ella explained with a shaking voice.
"What is it Ella what did you see? Tell me" I was curious.
Ella started her story "Last week I did some last minute shopping, when I got out of the mall I saw Steven's car parked on a restaurant in front of the mall. I went inside the restaurant to find him, then saw him on a table for two, I heard that he told the waiter that he is just waiting for his girlfriend. I thought it was you but instead I saw Elissa sitting with Steven. I was shocked" after Ella told her story my tears suddenly drop out of my eyes again.
"I knew something is fishy with Steven when the school year was about to end last year, but I have to be sure." Chantal said with a frown on her face.
"Yeah he's acting strange, he's always looking at his cellphone and texting all the time though I haven’t seen you taping your phone which is a little strange to me" Ella said.
"Exactly my point! Because Steven is texting Elissa even though they are together with us." Chantal Said more like shouting. Relina was trying to ask but Chantal spoke again "Why did I know? Because at the moment Steven puts down his cellphone automatically Elissa will pick up her cellphone. That was my speculation and it turns out it was true." she added.
"How nasty" Relina said and looking disgusted.
"I was about to tell you B but I don't have enough evidence and besides I saw that Steven is treating you coldly this summer vacation" Chantal said "And wait there's more, go Relina" Chantal turned to Relina.
"I'm sorry I didn't also tell you this Lia but last month when my mom and I went to a wedding, when we're on the way home I saw Steven and Elissa going out in a bar around 11pm in the evening.... Like Chantal I don't want to conclude something without evidence" Relina said.
"What will you do Lia?" Ella asked with Chantal and Relina looking at me in a sad face.
"I'll just talk to Steven later to clear things out with him" I answered with a fake smile with tears all over my face. That’s all I could do. I love him, maybe there were rational and logical explanation of their action.
"Okay B, just make sure you won't let yourself look stupid. Okay?" Chantal told me authoritatively.
"Yes B" I replied with a weak smile.
Chantal lighten up the mood my telling us gossips "Hey I heard someone talking that Jayden Williams will be studying here!" she said loudly.
"NO WAY! I wish it's not just a gossip" Relina shouts
"OMG! I can't wait to see Jayden Williams here! Just in case I hope he'll be our classmate!" Ella said at the same time she giggled. That name rings a bell on my head, but I don't quite remember.
"Who's Jayden Williams?" I interrupted them.
"What?! You don't know Jayden Williams B?" Chantal Ask me.
"I wouldn't ask you if I know right?" I said laughing.
"Jayden Williams is a half Filipino half Australian he's a Super Star an actor slash model slash singer slash dancer slash hunk slash sexy slash dreamy... Like are you watching TV Lia?!" Relina ask me.
"With my studies and part time job, no I don't, I'm too busy, I have no time to watch" I explained
"Okay okay, let go to class.... Shall we go to our room now?" Ella protested with a big smile on her face.
Me and the girls are going to our first class of the day, today is Tuesday so our first class is Logic. When we were already ten steps away from the classroom door we saw Steven and Elissa at the opposite way they were looking at our direction. My eyes went teary again but suddenly the corridor turn silent and I felt someone is holding my right shoulder.
"It's very rude to walk away when someone offered you help when you were crying, you know?" he whispered, I turned around, really this jerk again?
"You?!" I shouted, overly acted I might add.
"Yes, me" he replied with a smile.
"You're the jerk from last night Hayden" I said. How could I not remember him? He was nice to me even he’s a stranger, but he is arrogant.
"Not again.... It's Jayden Liana Jayyyyydeeeeennnnn, is my awesome name really hard to remember?" he ask with a sparkling smile on his face
"Why are you here?" I ask Jayden, ignoring his statement.
"Did you drop your brain or something? I'm studying here, duh?! How about you?" He paused "Wait don't tell me you're stalking me?" Jayden said with a silly tone.
"Yeah you wish! I study here genius" I told him with my hand on my waist. "Can't you see my uniform?" I added and I twirl to let him see my uniform as a whole. He chuckle lightly of what I did.
"Can you point where the dean's office is located?" he asked. I pointed my finger straight forward and add directions. It’s the least I can do for him for being nice to me last night.
"Thanks Liana. See you around?" I nodded and he walks towards the direction that I pointed and waving his hand at me.
Chantal, Relina, Ella, Elissa, Steven and the other students were staring at me "What?" I ask them. Chantal pulled my hand and we went straight to our classroom.
"I thought you don't know Jayden Williams B? why are talking to him like you already know each other?" Chantal asked me.
"What? That Jayden is the jerk from last night" I replied with a puzzled expression. I explained everything what happened right after the scene at cinema last night.
"B listen that Jayden jerk you're talking about is THE JAYDEN we're talking about" she said. Okay that took me by surprise. The bell rang and our professor is already entering our classroom, "B let's continue this later" she smiles at me, the girls went to their respective seats.
Our professor greets us good morning and welcomes us in his class "I'm Prof. Albert Godon and I will be your professor in Logic" he introduced himself, after he introduced himself, he gave us a sitting arrangement for the whole semester and we wrote our names in a bond paper so Prof. Godon will know where we sit because that will be the attendance.
Prof. Godon is going to say something, but someone knocked, and my classmates turned noisy, why you ask? Because of a sparkling smile. Yes! It is Jayden Williams.
All of the girls inside our class went crazy, but Prof. Godon settled them down and he told "Mr. Williams.... Please have your sit beside Ms. Kyle" he pointed the armchair beside me. Oh great! that jerk will be sitting beside me. Jayden sat and wink at me, oh this guy makes me barf! and I think I'm going to barf the whole semester.
"You glad to see me Liana?" he whispered.
"Just the opposite" I whispered back.
"You're very sweet, I'm touched" he said with those sparkling smiles again. Prof. Godon let us introduce ourselves in front of the class according to our sitting arrangement.
First was Chantal "Hi my name is Chantal Evelyn Gonzales, PolSci I'm 18 years old and I love to sing, play the guitar and above all I love fashion" she briefly introduced herself.
"My name is Relina Mioneth Fuwentebella, a Political Science student I'm 18 years old, I love reading books specially the books of John Green. I play the piano and I do love playing sports such as swimming, badminton, bowling and volleyball" then followed by Alice, Roxanne, Giovanni, Berwin, Paul, Edward, and Ricca.
"Hey! Ya'll! I'm Daniella Rochelle Delos Reyes, you can call me Ella I'm a Political Science Student I'm 18 years old I like photography and my hobby is sketching. Someday I want to be a lawyer at the same time fashion designer." She said.
When it was Steven's turn my heart started to beat fast and so I just bow my head "I'm Steven Joseph Villacorta Polsci Major 19 years old, my passion is playing basketball and I play the guitar too. I want to be a senator someday to improve the laws of our beloved country" he said. Well that is his target when we talk about the future. He wanted to be a senator.
After Steven there's Elissa "Hello everyone I'm Elissa Meilyn Portaleza I'm a Political Science student, I'm 19 years old. My hobby to sing and dance. I do poets when I’m inspired. I wanted to be a lawyer because in our society I saw women and children are being abused and that is way I am an advocate of women and children rights" Elissa said and almost all of out classmates clapped their hands on her introduction.
After five students, Jayden was next "Hi guys nice to meet you all I'm Jayden Robert Williams I'm 19 years old my major is Marketing Management, I took this course because someday I will be following the footsteps of my family and be part of out noble establishment. What I love the most are singing, dancing, swimming, I play different kinds of instrument because I love music and I also play basketball. I’m just a simple guy like everyone here and I wish to know everyone better in my stay here Northern University" after he introduced himself the girls started to scream.
Someone even shouts "I Love You Sexy Jayden!" and Jayden puts his Sparkling smile. Uhh this guy makes me sick.
I was next I'm already in front of the class then I saw Jayden winked at me so I just rolled my eyes "Hi classmates I'm Liana Isabelle Kyle, a political science student I'm 18 years old, I love food that is why I love eating. I took Political Science because in the future I want to serve my country and make it a better place for it’s people. And I were given that chance I would use my power to help to make our nation great at its peek" I said.
“Looks like we are going to have another determined woman president” Prof. Godon said while he is clapping. Right after four of our classmates introduce themselves Prof. Godon dismissed us after.
Right after our professor got out I approach Steven "Can we talk after class Steven?" I asked him, he nod.
"Sure Liana, I'll drive you home too" I was really happy to hear that from him, I thought he will refuse to talk to me but instead he made me smile.
"See you later then" Steven told me.
It seems it's going to workout after all for Steven and I.