Chapter No.4 System Exploration


A cute yawn sounded in a luxurious chamber from the Royal Palace. Meghnad, now curdled in the arms of his mother woke up for the first time.

Queen Mandodari, her eyes filled with motherly affection, gently cradled Meghnad in her arms. The royal chamber, adorned with intricate tapestries and golden accents, felt like a haven of warmth and comfort. As Meghnad blinked his eyes open, the room seemed to brighten with the purity of his gaze.

"He's awake," the attendants whispered in awe, their eyes fixed on the newborn prince.

The news of Meghnad's birthmark had not diminished the love and adoration that surrounded him. If anything, the mystique only added to his allure. Queen Mandodari, despite the concerns voiced by the physicians, saw nothing but a perfect and unique blessing in her son.

As she cooed and whispered sweet words to Meghnad, the attendants discreetly left the room, allowing the royal family a moment of intimate connection. Queen Mandodari, aware of the responsibilities and challenges that lay ahead for her son, felt an overwhelming surge of love and protection.

"He is truly a special child, Mandodari," King Ravana remarked, entering the chamber with a rare softness in his gaze. The weight of the crown seemed to lift momentarily as he beheld his newborn son.

"He bears a mark that connects him to realms beyond our understanding. It is a symbol of destiny, I believe," Ravana continued, his voice carrying a mix of reverence and curiosity.

Queen Mandodari nodded, her eyes still fixed on Meghnad's face. "Destiny or not, he is our son, and he will be loved and cherished. No matter what challenges come our way, we shall face them together as a family."

Ravana's stern expression softened further, and he placed a gentle hand on Mandodari's shoulder. "You are right, Mandodari. Our family is our strength, and Meghnad shall carry the legacy of Lanka into the future."

While Ravana and Mandodari were talking, Indrajit who is currently little Meghnad was staring at the system panel in front of him loading up.

[The Devil System Loading Starts...]










[Booting Up...]

[System Online!]

[Welcome Host! I am Eve, AI of the Devil System.]

'Finally, Okay so Eve, tell me about your functions first.'

[Gladly host]

[Functions are as follows:]

[1. Status]

[2. Skills/Abilities Tab]

[3. Inventory]

[4. Ability Wheel]

[5. Primordial Sin(Locked)]

[6. Shop(Locked)]

[7. Quest Board]

Indrajit, now Meghnad, stared at the interface of the Devil System, his eyes widening with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Status," he commanded, wanting to understand the basics of his newfound abilities.

[Loading Status... Please wait.]

[Name: Meghnad]

[Age: 0 Days]

[Race: Royal Asura]

[Title: Prince Of Lanka]

[Powerlevel: None]

[Devil Points: 10]

Meghnad, absorbing the information from the Devil System, marveled at the intricacies of his new existence. He couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation about the possibilities that lay ahead. The Devil System seemed like a powerful tool, and Meghnad was eager to explore its functions.

"Skills/Abilities Tab," Meghnad uttered, intrigued by the prospect of discovering the unique abilities he possessed.

[Loading Skills/Abilities... Please wait.]

[1. Asura Physiology: Enhanced strength, durability, and lifespan typical of the Asura race.]

[2. ??? Mark: ??? ???]

"Intriguing... Inventory," he commanded, shifting his focus to the potential possessions and resources at his disposal.

[Loading Inventory... Please wait.]


Meghnad noted the emptiness of his inventory, realizing that he had yet to acquire any items or possessions. However, the possibilities of what he could accumulate in the future sparked a sense of determination within him.

"Ability Wheel," Meghnad inquired

[Loading Ability Wheel... Please wait.]

[Spin the roulette of Ability: Cost 0]

[Note: The first spin is free.]

Meghnad, now familiarizing himself with the Devil System, felt a surge of excitement as the Ability Wheel began to spin.


The wheel rotated with a mesmerizing speed, the various abilities and skills flashing before Meghnad's eyes. As it gradually slowed down, a bright light illuminated the chosen ability.

[Bael: Power of Destruction]

Meghnad, now Prince Meghnad of Lanka, stared at the Ability Wheel with a mix of excitement and curiosity. The chosen ability, "Bael Clan: Power of Destruction," held an air of mystery. He could feel the potential of immense power coursing through him.

"Eve, tell me more about this Bael Clan: Power of Destruction," Meghnad inquired, eager to understand the scope of his newfound ability.

[Loading Information... Please wait.]

[Bael Clan: Power of Destruction]

[An ability exclusive to the Bael clan that has the title of the Great King, being the highest-ranking among all the 72 Pillars. As its name suggests, the Power of Destruction is a type of demonic energy, that grants its users great explosive power and can completely annihilate things when used. It can manifest as destructive energy blasts, enhanced combat capabilities, and the ability to disintegrate objects at a molecular level. As the host grows stronger, the Power of Destruction will evolve, unlocking new and more potent forms of destructive abilities.]

Meghnad's eyes widened at the potential of his chosen ability. The idea of wielding the Power of Destruction fascinated him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of empowerment.

"Skills/Abilities Tab," he commanded again, wanting to explore more of his innate capabilities.

[Loading Skills/Abilities... Please wait.]

[1. Asura Physiology: Enhanced strength, durability, and lifespan typical of the Asura race.]

[2. Power of Destruction]

[3. ??? Mark: ??? ???]

The mystery surrounding the ??? Mark intrigued Meghnad. He pondered over its significance and looked forward to unlocking its secrets in the future.

"System, what is this 'Primordial Sin' and 'Shop' options that are currently locked?" Meghnad questioned, intrigued by the additional features mentioned in the system.

[Loading Information... Please wait.]

[Primordial Sin and Shop are advanced features of the Devil System that become accessible as the host progresses in power and experiences various challenges in the realms. Primordial Sin represents a unique sin or aspect that the host can unlock, granting additional abilities and altering the course of their destiny. The Shop is a marketplace where the host can acquire rare items, and skills, and even exchange Devil Points for valuable resources. These features will become available as the host gains sufficient power.]

Meghnad, absorbing the information provided by the Devil System, felt a surge of excitement and determination. The potential of unlocking new abilities and delving into the mysteries of his existence filled him with a sense of purpose.

"Quest Board," he commanded, curious about the challenges and opportunities that awaited him.

[Loading Quest Board... Please wait.]

[No available quests at the moment. Check back later.]

Meghnad, slightly disappointed by the lack of immediate quests, understood that his journey was just beginning. With a newfound resolve, he turned his attention to other aspects of the Devil System.

"System, how do I gain Devil Points and increase my power level?" he inquired, eager to understand the mechanics of his progression.

[Gaining Devil Points: Devil Points can be acquired by completing quests, defeating powerful adversaries, and achieving significant milestones in your journey.]

[Power Level: Your power level will increase as you accumulate experience, master new abilities, and most importantly cultivate Yogic Prana.]


"Here drink up, you must be hungry my little one~"

Meghnad, now fully engrossed in his role as a newborn, was fed by his mother, Queen Mandodari. The tender moment between mother and child created a sense of warmth and love in the royal chamber. The events that had unfolded since his birth, from the mysterious birthmark to the revelation of the Devil System, lingered in the back of his consciousness.


"Maharaj, Shani Dev has escaped from the prison."

The news of Shani Dev's escape reverberated through the royal court, interrupting the tranquility that had settled in the palace after Meghnad's birth. King Ravana's expression darkened as he received the report.

"Escaped?!" Ravana thundered, his voice echoing in the throne room. The attendants and courtiers exchanged nervous glances, well aware of the significance of Shani Dev's escape.

The celestial being, known for his strict and just nature, was not one to be taken lightly. His defiance had led to his imprisonment under Ravana's feet, a symbolic act of asserting dominance over the planet. Now, with news of his escape, a sense of foreboding filled the air.

"Find him! Bring Shani Dev back to his rightful place!" Ravana commanded, his eyes ablaze with determination.

The royal court immediately mobilized to search for Shani Dev, the escaped celestial being. The news spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of Lanka-Lankapuri. The citizens, already intrigued by the events surrounding Meghnad's birth, now buzzed with whispers of Shani Dev's escape.

"I am going to my chambers, Inform me immediately if there are any updates on Shani Dev's whereabouts," Ravana ordered, his mind preoccupied with the potential consequences of the celestial being seeking revenge.

As King Ravana withdrew to his private chambers, the atmosphere in the royal court remained tense. The courtiers and attendants exchanged concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.




*To Be Continued*


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