Chapter No.19 Vs Indra (1)


Indra, the king of the Devas, descended with an air of authority, his divine weapon, the Vajra, clutched firmly in his hand. His eyes glowed with a mixture of anger and disdain as he surveyed the battlefield.

The moment Ravana saw Indra several memories unlocked in his mind. As if purposely triggered by the sight of the king of the Devas, Ravana's mind flashed with all the knowledge of Divine Astras which could potentially end the whole world itself.

Indra's arrival on the battlefield sent shockwaves through the Asura forces. Ravana, however, remained composed, his gaze unwavering despite the memories flooding his mind.

"Brahma Dev, you really didn't trust me after all, huh~" Ravana whispered to himself, a wry smile playing on his lips.

Brahma Dev at the time of war between Shani Dev and Ravana decreed the ceasefire between Devas and Asuras for 10 years, But he sealed Ravana's knowledge of powerful Divine Astra and it would only return if he did not initiate the conflict. No one knew about this small precaution of Brahma Dev.

Indra, his eyes narrowed, addressed Ravana with a tone of accusation. "Ravana, your actions have disrupted the balance and peace decreed by Lord Brahma. Your pursuit of power knows no bounds, and now you stand on the precipice of a war that could consume both Devas and Asuras."

Ravana, unfazed by Indra's accusations, spoke with a calm yet resolute demeanor. "Indra, the balance was disrupted long before my actions. The Devas have always sought to suppress and undermine the Asuras. This battle is a consequence of your arrogance and unwillingness to recognize the strength of the Asura race."

Indra, angered by Ravana's response, tightened his grip on the Vajra. "You dare blame us for your insatiable thirst for power? You, who defied the divine decree and initiated this conflict?"

"Initiator, you say? Well, I have a small question before we go further. Can I?" Ravana asked with a mocking glance.

Indra, though visibly annoyed, reluctantly nodded. "Ask your question, Asura."

Ravana's eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and cunning. "Tell me, Indra, How did a mere Danava king Vritra get his hands on Divine Amrita, Which grants immortality to anyone who drinks it but tragically only Devas has it. So how did Vritra get it? Care to humor me, O' King of Devas."

Indra's expression shifted, a brief flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Ravana's question had hit a nerve, revealing a piece of the puzzle that had been carefully hidden.

"Divine Amrita is the nectar of immortality, a substance guarded fiercely by the Devas. Its presence among the Danavas is indeed a mystery, Or did Devas orchestrate this whole war to attack Asuras in the name of order?" Ravana continued, his gaze penetrating as he awaited Indra's response.

Indra, though maintaining his composure, couldn't completely conceal the unease that flickered in his eyes. The revelation that Divine Amrita, the elixir of immortality, was in possession of the Danavas raised questions that Indra found challenging to answer.

"Your accusations hold no merit, Ravana. The Devas have not orchestrated this conflict. The presence of Divine Amrita among the Danavas is a mystery to us as well," Indra retorted, attempting to deflect the scrutiny.

Ravana, ever perceptive, continued to press the issue. "Mystery, you say? The mighty Devas, guardians of divine treasures, claim ignorance about the whereabouts of Divine Amrita? Either you are incompetent, or there's more to this than meets the eye."

Indra's frustration grew evident, but he chose his words carefully. "The security of Divine Amrita has never been compromised by the Devas. Its disappearance is a concern for both realms, but your aggression, Ravana, only exacerbates the situation."

"Quite the king of Devas you are~" Ravana snared while making a dismissive gesture. "Your realm, your divine treasures, and yet, the mighty Devas are clueless about the disappearance of something as significant as Divine Amrita. How convenient."

Indra's gaze hardened, and he retorted with defiance. "This war will not absolve you of your actions, Ravana. The Devas will not tolerate your disruption of the cosmic order. We will put an end to this conflict and restore balance."

Ravana chuckled, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Ah, the cosmic order, a convenient excuse for the Devas to maintain their dominance. But let's not digress. I believe we were in the midst of a battle, and you, Indra, decided to intervene."

Indra, fueled by a mix of anger and determination, raised the Vajra. "I am here to put an end to this war and ensure the preservation of cosmic balance. If that means defeating you, Ravana, then so be it."

Ravana's eyes sparkled with a fierce determination as he faced the formidable figure of Indra. The battlefield, once filled with the clash of Asura and Danava forces, now stood silent, anticipating the confrontation between the Asura king and the ruler of the Devas.

With a swift motion, Ravana unsheathed the Chandrahas, the legendary sword that had just severed the invincible Vritra. The silvery light of the moon reflected off the blade, creating an ethereal glow that matched the intensity in Ravana's eyes.

"Indra, your interference won't change the course of this conflict. The Asuras have endured the oppression of the Devas for too long. This war is a culmination of the grievances and injustices inflicted upon my kind," Ravana declared, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Indra, undeterred by Ravana's words, raised the Vajra, a divine weapon that held the power to unleash devastating storms and lightning. The air crackled with energy as the king of the Devas prepared for the impending battle.

"Your grievances do not justify the chaos you've unleashed, Ravana. The cosmic order must be maintained, and your actions threaten the very fabric of existence," Indra responded, his voice resonating with authority.

Ravana, with a calculated confidence, advanced toward Indra. "The cosmic order you speak of is a veil that hides the inherent bias of the Devas. You seek to maintain your supremacy at the cost of the Asuras. But no more. I will not bow to the unjust order that has oppressed my people."




The clash between Ravana and Indra began, a spectacle of divine power and Asura strength. The Chandrahas and the Vajra collided with thunderous force, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Each strike resonated with the weight of history, the grievances of the Asuras seeking redress in the form of Ravana's defiance.

Ravana's combat prowess, honed through countless battles, met the godly might of Indra. The Asura king moved with agility and precision, his movements a dance of power and finesse. Indra, wielding the Vajra with mastery, unleashed storms and bolts of lightning in an attempt to subdue Ravana.

The battlefield became a canvas of divine clashes, with the silvery gleam of the Chandrahas and the crackling energy of the Vajra creating a mesmerizing display of power. As Ravana and Indra engaged in their fierce duel, the very elements seemed to respond to their conflict.

Ravana's eyes, ablaze with determination, locked onto Indra's. "Your storms and lightning may be formidable, but they cannot extinguish the flame of Asura resilience. I will not be shackled by the so-called cosmic order that perpetuates injustice."

Indra, maintaining his divine composure, retorted, "Your defiance, Ravana, is a rebellion against the natural order. The Devas are entrusted with maintaining balance, and your actions threaten to unravel the fabric of existence itself."

With a powerful swing of the Chandrahas, Ravana deftly parried a barrage of lightning bolts from the Vajra. The clash of their weapons echoed through the heavens, a testament to the intensity of their struggle.

"The so-called natural order is nothing more than a tool for the Devas to maintain their dominance. You speak of balance, yet your actions reek of prejudice. I will not let the Asuras be pawns in your divine games any longer," Ravana declared, his words cutting through the thunderous roars of their conflict.

Indra, sensing the deep-seated determination in Ravana's words, intensified his assault. Storm clouds gathered above, and the Vajra crackled with even more potent energy. Bolts of lightning arced through the sky, seeking to strike down the rebellious Asura king.

Yet, Ravana moved with an almost preternatural grace, avoiding the lightning strikes with calculated precision. The Chandrahas danced in his hands, deflecting and countering each divine onslaught.

The Asura forces, witnessing the battle between their king and the ruler of the Devas, were inspired by Ravana's defiance. Kumbhakarna, who had been relentless in pressing the advantage against the retreating Danava forces, now turned his attention to the divine clash, ready to lend his formidable strength if needed.

Vibhishana observed from a distance, his mind processing the complex dynamics of the unfolding conflict. The war, initially a struggle between Asuras and Danavas, had now evolved into a larger confrontation involving the Devas.

As Ravana and Indra continued their epic clash, the very ground beneath them quivered with the force of their blows. The air crackled with energy, and the onlookers could feel the weight of the cosmic consequences hanging in the balance.

Ravana, with a burst of Asura strength, managed to break through Indra's defenses, delivering a powerful strike that sent the king of the Devas staggering backward. The Chandrahas gleamed triumphantly as it cut through the stormy atmosphere.

"You may be the king of Devas, but I am Ravana, the indomitable force that refuses to bow to unjust authority!" Ravana proclaimed, his voice resonating across the battlefield.

Indra, regaining his footing, raised the Vajra with renewed determination. "The Devas will not yield to the rebellion of Asuras. The cosmic order must prevail, and your defiance will be quelled."

The divine clash reached a crescendo as Ravana and Indra poured their strength into every strike. The very essence of the battlefield seemed to vibrate with the intensity of their conflict.

The very mother earth trembled at the force of these two adversaries.




*To Be Continued*


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