Chapter No.42 Gathering Of Asura Family

Meanwhile, inside the throne room, Ravana could be seen seated on the elevated throne wearing Brahma Armour and wielding the mighty Chandrahas, his legendary sword that radiated with the power of the moon. His majestic form exuded authority and strength as he presided over the affairs of the kingdom.

"Swami (Husband) why did you call us here, We were busy tending to the matters of the kingdom," Queen Mandodari inquired, her voice carrying a regal grace as she stood beside Ravana.

"Yes, Swami (Husband) I was tending to Atikay," Dhanyamalini said with a respectful nod towards Ravana, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Hahahaha~ Don't worry, Both of you will get a pleasant surprise," Ravana chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light.

"Hmm???" x2

Both the queens were curious and confused as to who or what could make their husband in this happy and playful mood.