Chapter No.45 Invitation From Kingdom Of Kosala

As Meghnad prepared to demonstrate his newfound skills and abilities to the gathered warriors, anticipation filled the air. The soldiers stood at attention, their gazes fixed on Meghnad, eager to witness his prowess in combat.

"Here, Use this sword," Ravana handed Meghnad a finely crafted sword, a weapon befitting the Prince of Lanka. The blade gleamed with a polished edge, reflecting the determination in Meghnad's eyes.

Meghnad accepted the sword with a nod of gratitude, feeling its weight in his hands. The soldiers, now fully attentive, awaited the demonstration about unfolding.

Meghnad unsheathed the sword with a swift motion, the metallic sound echoing in the open field. The soldiers observed his movements, noting the fluidity and precision in his every action.

"Show us what you've learned, my son," Ravana encouraged, his voice carrying a father's pride.