Chapter 21: Christmas Special

The time of Winterwell wasn't a privilege Celestiel always got to enjoy.

The next day was going to be the day of the Winterwell ball, the annual ball the king of Icartha threw in the season of Winterwell. The one ball where the kings of the North, South and West were invited and would attend with their families.

It was a festive day that all people came together to enjoy. It almost seemed like just for that particular day, all problems were gone...or atleast postponed.

Everyone was happy that day. Everyone was festive.

Well...almost every one.

Celestiel stood at the window, watching the townspeople of Icartha prepare for the next day. The ladies were getting their dresses and shoes ready, hoping to snag a foreign king or prince or duke. The men were putting up decorations around town and the women were buying foodstuff and the necessary food items for the traditional Winterwell Icarthan dinner.