Chapter 9: Chu Qingchan

"Hmm, is it tiring to carry? Just slide along the ground."

"The roads in the countryside aren't as easy as you think. The main road is asphalt, but the smaller ones are dirt."

"I have a question: are you going back to your hometown?"

"It's my second time here. The last one was 12 years ago."

"No wonder. But there doesn't seem to be much change here compared to 12 years ago."

"Indeed, not much has changed."

Walking on the damp ground, they raised their heads, looking at the surrounding brick houses, as if memories from the past resurfaced.

"By the way, is your family on the east side or the west side?"

This was a local saying known only to the people of Qinglong West Village because the village was generally wider east to west and shorter north to south.

The road they were walking on separated the village into two parts. The left side, or the west side, was the west block, with more residential houses. The right side had more small shops selling goods.

"It should be to the left. I'm just following my memory."


They continued forward, encountering a few people on the road, mostly elderly. Younger people and children were scarce, as many had moved to the city, buying houses or renting for work. Children were taken to the city for education, leaving mostly the elderly behind.


"Are you catching a cold, or is there any other discomfort?"

"Just a minor issue, already treated, but feeling a bit weak. So, I came to my hometown to recuperate without disturbances."

"I see."

As they reached a crossroads and turned left, two dark shadows suddenly darted out. He felt his arm tightly grasped by a hand.

"Afraid of dogs?"

Looking at the two yellowish small local dogs slowing down, he glanced at her nervously gazing eyes.

"No, I've had pets before. It just startled me. Sorry."

She withdrew her hand, only to find it unusually damp. His clothes were already completely soaked.

After turning left, they walked straight for a while, finally turning into an alley, a dead end with only one household.

Unlike other homes with metal doors secured by safety locks, this one had a wooden door; its red paint chipped and faded.

The front area was messy, covered in leaves and weeds, and piled up to half a metre, indicating it hadn't been inhabited for a long time.

"I lived in the village for 10 years during my childhood, but I don't have many memories of this place."

"This is my grandfather's house. I lived here with my mother for a few months when I was a child. After some events, we never came back."

"My grandfather went to our new home for treatment due to illness. After he passed away, no one came back here."

She spoke plainly, but her fingers fidgeted with the rusty lock, showing a slight tremor.

"Alright, you're home. I'll head back now."

"You helped me thoroughly; help me clean the room; at least check for rats or bugs."

"Okay, but helping comes with a reward."

"What do you want? I'll satisfy your request."

Though still with a hoarse voice, it stirred a warmth in him. Xu Lin acknowledged that he shouldn't speak recklessly; mistakes could easily be made.

Upon entering the courtyard, surprisingly, it wasn't too dirty. Aside from some weeds, there were vibrant wildflowers encircling the yard and two sturdy trees.

However, the yard wasn't very large, consisting of a north and east wing. She walked a few steps in the yard and reached the front of the north wing, pushing open the door.

Finally, avoiding the rain, he entered the house. The interior was traditionally decorated, lacking modern appliances, and wooden furniture was covered in a layer of dust.

"You didn't clean up in advance; you came back to rest directly. This can't be cleaned up all at once."

"Hmm." She nodded helplessly.

"Come to my place."


"Why did you agree so readily?"

"After all, I have nowhere else to go. But going to your place isn't a long-term thing."

"Do you really want to stay at my place for a few days? Rest at my home first; I'll arrange for someone to clean up for you."

"Don't underestimate the village; we have several skilled workers who specialise in cleaning houses. Usually, they help clean up the hygiene after renovating buildings; cleaning a bungalow is a piece of cake."

"Alright, I'll cover the expenses; I'll reimburse you later."

"Let's deal with that later; hurry, my grandparents are waiting for me for dinner."

The two of them locked the door again, returning to the crossroads. They headed to the east side, walked a few steps, and stopped in front of a grocery store.

"Is this your home?"

"Yes." Xu Lin nodded and went straight in.

Watching Xu Lin, drenched in rain, she felt a bit uneasy. Their grandson got soaked all the way, and she was using an umbrella—it didn't seem right.

As soon as Xu Lin entered the house, a tall, elderly man got up from a rocking chair. Seeing him completely soaked, he shouted.

"Jin Ling, get a dry towel for your grandson!"

"Linzi is back?"

A slender old lady hurriedly ran over from the backyard, with foam still on her hands.

"Grandma, why are you still washing by hand? Didn't I buy a washing machine for you?"

"Being diligent is good. The weather isn't that cold yet."

Grandma said and picked up a new towel, handing it to him and wiping him off.

"I can do it myself."

"Quick, take off your clothes. Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

Grandpa came over and pulled down his coat and scarf.

Looking at the serious expressions of the old couple, Xu Lin didn't feel as cold as he expected. Instead, he felt a bit warm.

Wiping off the water from his neck and turning on the air conditioner, he suddenly remembered the other person hadn't come in yet. Opening the door, he found her still standing there.

"What are you doing? Come in."

"You didn't say it was okay for me to come in."

"There aren't so many rules."

Xu Lin smiled helplessly, took the umbrella, and put it away. The elderly couple in the house also stared for a moment. Who is this? Could she be his girlfriend?!

After all, since childhood, this kid hasn't been fond of playing with a group of children, let alone girls. But he's still in school. Isn't it a bit early for a relationship? By the way, do Xu Feng and his wife know about this?

Xu Lin was oblivious to the old couple's thoughts. He watched her cautiously enter the house and give a slight bow.

"Hello, Grandpa, Grandma."

"Girl, hello, please sit down."

"Hmm." She softly replied, looking very reserved as she sat on the sofa.

"Xiao Lin, make some hot tea for her. She's been freezing all the way."


Xu Lin walked towards the back room, thinking, I've been freezing all the way too. I hope the old couple won't misunderstand anything.

Sitting there, feeling the gaze of the old couple, she also realised she was still wearing a mask and a hat. That's not very polite! She quickly took them off.

The old couple also saw her face clearly. Especially the old lady, her expression changed from a slight confusion to a joyful one. She stood up and walked over.

A few minutes later, Xu Lin returned with a teapot. At a glance, he saw a beautiful woman with wavy hair sitting on the sofa, next to his grandmother.

Different from Ji Yun and Su Qingwan, this woman exuded a more majestic beauty. She not only had grace but also exquisite features.

She possessed the three-dimensional sense of Westerners and the gentle charm of Easterners. Her heroic eyebrows and eyes matched her moist red lips, carrying a hint of sadness in her eyes and a trace of fatigue on her face.

It didn't seem like a real presence, more like she walked out of a painting... Wait, a painting... He suddenly felt a hint of familiarity, then heard her say:

"Yes, 'initial's 'Chu', and 'entanglement's 'Qingchan'. Chu Qingchan."

Xu Lin was stunned. Chu Qingchan... Could it be that she's the Ice Queen, Chu Qingchan?!