Chapter 19: The Rising Temperature

"It's so hot..."

With a choked voice, Xu Lin opened his eyes, greeted by the familiar ceiling. He felt sticky and uncomfortable. Having taken fever-reducing medicine and benefiting from the warmth of the blanket and air conditioning, he sweated profusely. Despite the discomfort, he wasn't cold anymore, indicating that the fever had subsided.

However, he refrained from taking a shower. Although the bathroom had a heater, considering he had just recovered from a fever, he decided against it and opted to change into fresh clothes.

Upon leaving the bed, he glanced to the side and saw a beauty curled up and sleeping. With each breath, her long eyelashes, cute nose, and rosy lips trembled slightly.

Being a star, she truly embodied the aesthetic ideal, irrespective of her body shape. Xu Lin smiled faintly, adjusting his movements and carefully getting out of bed. He took a small blanket from the side and draped it over her.

Exiting the room, intending to find his phone, he saw his mom coming out of the bathroom. She spotted him and hurriedly approached.

"What's going on?"

Li Yuan grabbed his sleeve, her expression stern and more serious than ever. Suddenly, Xu Lin's heart raced.

"Mom, I had a fever last night. I came to get some fever-reducing medicine. She insisted I sleep in the room. After taking the medicine, I went to sleep. I didn't do anything wrong."

"You had a fever, and you didn't call me?"

"You and Dad both have work today. How could I disturb you?"

"Then how can you have the nerve to disturb someone else's sleep? But this girl really trusts you, huh?"

"I was delirious from the fever last night. I could hardly speak."

"But that girl trusts you a lot. Be honest, son, do you like Qingchan?"

Li Yuan looked at him seriously. She knew her son wasn't a child anymore, and certain matters needed clarification.

"Beautiful lady, boys are certainly attracted, but liking and loving are different. If I'm sure I love her, I'll strive for it."

Xu Lin gave his mother an ambiguous response, and Li Yuan didn't press further.

"But son, remember, if you genuinely like someone and she likes you too, don't let her down."


Afterward, Xu Lin checked his temperature again, which had lowered to 37.3 degrees. He took some cold medicine, freshened up, and prepared to go to school.

"Your temperature is okay now, but are you sure? If you still feel uncomfortable, I can ask for sick leave for you." Li Yuan looked at her somewhat weary son with a hint of concern.

"I still feel a little uncomfortable. But I'll be fine."

"But if you're not feeling well, we can tell the teacher."

"I'm not that sick. By the way, since both you and Dad will be going out for work, how about giving a key to Chu Qingchan?"

"Of course, that's fine."

"Although I've only known her for two days, You guys have only known her for one day. I think you can trust her."

"I can tell she's a good girl at a glance. Although she doesn't seem to smile much, she's very gentle. I've sensed it in our few conversations."

"Yeah, I'm off now. Both of you should be safe at work. I heard they are repairing the road over there."

"Yeah, take care. But if you're still feeling unwell, don't force yourself."

"Sure thing, Mom."

After leaving his home, Xu Lin rode his bicycle to Ji Yun's apartment without notifying her, trusting their telepathic connection.

As expected, when he arrived downstairs at Building 9, it didn't take half a minute before a lively figure pushing a bicycle approached.

"Over here."

"Xu Lin!" The girl immediately revealed a big smile, her steps quickening.

"Class Monitor Ji, why is your hair so messy today?"

"I slept for too long today; I didn't have time to wash it."

Embarrassed, Ji Yun scratched her hair. Xu Lin let go of the handlebars, reached out, and mimicked combing with his hand, sliding down from the top of her head, smoothing it out.

Initially, Ji Yun instinctively wanted to step back, but feeling Xu Lin's palm sliding over her head, she looked at his serious face and slowly leaned in a bit more.

Half an hour later, after having something to eat, they arrived at the classroom. At this time, there weren't many people yet; some were even eating.

"Class Monitor is here."


"Xu Lin, have you eaten? I bought an extra scallion pancake, thinking I could finish it, but I couldn't." The class's biggest eater, Ning Da, lifted the bag in his hand.

"I ate outside; you can have it after morning self-study. Why do you have only one scallion pancake today? Usually, you have three every day. Is it because you couldn't finish it?"

"To be honest, your complexion doesn't seem great. Are you hungry?"

"I've noticed it too, but I didn't question you. You look a bit worn out. Do you have a cold?" Xing Xiaoyan, sitting nearby, added.

"Oh, it's just a little cold. I'm not hungry. You go ahead; thanks for preparing breakfast for me."

"We're all classmates."

"If you have a cold, take a break. And if you are feeling too uncomfortable, just inform the teacher."


Back at his seat, Xu Lin took out his textbook and placed it in the drawer. He glanced at Ji Yun beside him, who seemed indifferent to his cold. She was engrossed in her textbook.

He didn't mind; maybe she didn't even hear. A cold was a minor matter. Otherwise, he would have told her on the way.

He didn't like making others worry or care for him just because he was sick or not feeling well, trying to garner sympathy.

Thus, morning self-study concluded, and many students who hadn't eaten went to the cafeteria. Feeling lethargic, Xu Lin opened his textbook, rested his face on the desk, and started reading the geography book with a sidelong glance.

However, what he never expected was that, when everyone returned from eating or using the restroom, a small hand reached over.

"Class Monitor, Ji?" Xu Lin turned his head and saw her holding a thermos, extending it towards him.

Accepting it, Xu Lin noticed many classmates looking their way, making Ji Yun somewhat embarrassed.

"The cafeteria has been offering ginger sugar water and snow pear soup for one yuan each recently. Since you have a cold, I made a cup of ginger sugar water for you. Drink it while it's hot."

"Sure, thanks, Class Monitor."

With their conversation concluded, Ji Yun swiftly turned away. However, the classmates in the class began to gossip in hushed tones.

"Hey, hey, do these two have something going on?"

"What's going on? Last time, Xu Lin was a hero, rescuing her. Now, Xu Lin has a cold, and she gave him a cup of ginger sugar water. Isn't that normal?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"But isn't that the class monitor's cup?"

"Yeah, it is..."

Meanwhile, on Ji Yun's side, Zuo Yan and a few other female students gathered around, and other students perked up their ears, ready to listen to the gossip.

"Ji Yun, are you guys dating?"

"No, why would you think that? Xu Lin caught a cold, and I happened to have a cup. I just made some ginger sugar water for him."

Ji Yun looked indifferent, leaving everyone puzzled.

Really, she's like an angel in the class, always kind to everyone. However, she never let others use her water cup, especially boys.

But Xu Lin paid no attention to those thoughts. He opened the lid and took a sip, thinking it didn't taste good, but for the sake of his health, it was worth drinking.

So, he gulped down half of it and continued to read quietly, lying on the desk. Soon, his two close friends returned, and it was time for the next class.

The first class was Su Qingwan's English class. He had initially thought about how to chat with her, but given his current condition, he couldn't muster the energy for it. The only thing on his mind was to keep her away from that man.

If she walked down the same path as in her previous life, there was nothing he could do. Fate was a mysterious thing, and who could truly change it, especially considering he had experienced the wonders of rebirth and transmigration?

As the bell for the next class rang, Su Qingwan, dressed in a neat black outfit with a white shirt, walked punctually into the classroom, her hair tied in a ponytail, giving her a capable look.

The class began with a review of the two assigned test papers and an explanation of possible exam points. Time passed in this manner.

Xu Lin felt a sudden chill in his body and realised he might have overestimated his condition. This body was truly troublesome! However, at that moment, Su Qingwan unexpectedly called his name, "Xu Lin, come up and write."

He stood up, feeling a bit weak in the legs, but he made his way towards the podium. As he got closer, his steps faltered, and suddenly, he stumbled towards the podium.

Just as he was about to hit the steps of the podium, a figure rushed forward, catching him, and a refreshing fragrance filled his nostrils.

"Be careful..."

"Sorry, Teacher Su..."

"Teacher Su, Xu Lin had a fever this morning and took medicine. It might not have completely subsided yet." Ji Yun couldn't help but stand up and explain.

Su Qingwan looked at Xu Lin, who was now supported by her; his complexion was indeed not good. A sense of worry flooded her emotions.

"Continue with this reading comprehension exercise. I'll take him to the school infirmary."


"Ji Yun, please maintain order in the class."


As she watched the two leave the classroom, Ji Yun felt a sudden tension. Xu Lin having a fever was one thing, but she also hoped that the two wouldn't have any more conflicts.