Chapter 44: Not Good Enough?

At 2:50 in the afternoon, after being forced to change into formal attire, Xu Lin arrived with Chu Qingchan in the westernmost part of Linshui City, the Donggu Street area. Like the Bamboo Alley, this area is also one of the few with low-rise buildings, but it's slated for demolition after the Chinese New Year.

"This is the place."

The two of them stopped in front of a small shop with a signboard hanging 'Guan' signboard. The shop wasn't big, and because it was on the western side of the city, it wasn't bustling; there weren't many people on the street.

Chu Qingchan walked ahead, and Xu Lin followed behind. Upon entering, they found themselves in a small reception area with two sofas on either side, some potted plants, an air conditioner, and a water dispenser. The decor was plain, without any embellishments, making it unlikely for the average person to know what this place was for.

Two young women in their twenties, dressed in formal attire, stood up as Chu Qingchan entered.

"Miss Chu Qingchan, the boss is upstairs."

"Alright, Mr. Xu, let's go."

"Um." Xu Lin also nodded towards the two receptionists, who smiled and nodded in return.

Seeing the two individuals approach, the receptionists sat down and spoke quietly.

"That's the young musician the boss mentioned, right? Quite young."

"Yeah, and quite handsome too. I didn't expect Linshui to have such hidden talents."

"Indeed. Originally, we just planned to find any job casually; we never thought we'd end up working for the Demon King."

"But don't spread rumors. The boss said, If we talk nonsense, we're out."

"I know. We just sit here all day, doing nothing, and getting a $5,000 monthly salary. It's really like winning the lottery."

"Yeah, since that's the case, let's perk up. Smiling is our job."

Upstairs, the corridor was quite narrow, with only two rooms—one labelled "Recording Studio" and the other "Office."

"Don't let the size fool you. The recording studio is very professional. You'll see once you're inside."

Approaching the office door, they knocked twice. Initial hesitation ceased as they waited for a response from inside.

A few seconds later, a clear voice sounded: "Please come in." 

As Xu Lin walked in, he saw a middle-aged woman in a plaid suit standing up, walking towards him, and extending her hand. 

"Is this Mr. Xu Lin? Not only talented but also handsome." 

Xu Lin couldn't help but look at her a few more times in disbelief, then reach out his hand. 

"Um, hello, you said I'm handsome; I don't know what to say. You seem to have hardly changed from many years ago." 

Xu Lin shook hands and let go, still somewhat incredulous. 

It wasn't because the woman was exceptionally beautiful; after all, Teacher Guan wasn't famous for her looks. It was because the woman in front of him, Teacher Guan, now in her late 50s or early 60s, looked like she was in her thirties. 

"Women naturally have their own ways of maintaining themselves. If you pass the test, I can teach you, so your girlfriend or family can also maintain themselves." 

"Thank you in advance, Teacher. However, I also know my own limitations. I'm just fooling around, so I'll defer to you." 

Xu Lin spoke humbly, and the other party nodded. Then she noticed the bag in Xu Lin's hand, her expression changing slightly. 

"Xiao Chan, I've told you, there's no need to bring anything." 

"No, I'm just a student now, and I can't bring anything you might need. But when I used to sing, my throat would often feel uncomfortable." 

"Later, I bought these throat lozenges and felt better after eating them twice. I figured since you use your voice more than mine, you must need them. It's a small gift; please don't reject it."

"I really like this gift," she nodded as she took the bag from Xu Lin and pulled out a box. 

"I remember I used to have one of these before, but... it's been a while since I sang. With this, though, I'll probably practice from time to time." 

She pondered while playing with the throat lozenge for a moment, then turned and looked at him. 

"Ready to test your voice?"

"Yeah, can I sing my own song?"

"Of course."

She opened the door beside the office, and Xu Lin followed her in, discovering it was actually a control room. Through the glass, he could see the recording studio inside.

"For many, entering a recording studio for the first time can be uncomfortable, but with just the three of us here, there's no need for you to be nervous."

"Okay, thanks, Teacher Guan."

Xu Lin cleared his throat and entered the recording studio. As the soundproof door closed, the vast space fell into complete silence.

"The equipment is all set up. Let's begin."

"Can I borrow the guitar?"


A speaker in the room buzzed, and Xu Lin glanced at Chu Qingchan, signalling with an 'ok' gesture.

He cleared his throat, and the space seemed to tremble. Using his breathing techniques, he quickly adjusted his body and spirit to their best condition, stepping up to the microphone.

In the control room, with headphones on, Chu Qingchan and Guan Mingchen were listening attentively. The guitar began to play slowly and softly, followed by a clear and somewhat lively male voice. There was a mix of emotions, with a hint of melancholy and warmth. In an instant, Guan Mingchen's hand, which was resting on her chin, fell down, and she slowly closed her eyes. 

Chu Qingchan, on the other hand, was staring at Xu Lin's face, completely absorbed. This time, the singing was even better than last time, and it seemed to have taken a leap forward in terms of the basics. As the song entered the chorus, the rhythm suddenly accelerated, but the guitar still maintained its slow pace, yet it all blended seamlessly. Accompanied by the lyrics, it felt like telling a sad and oppressive story, drawing Chu Qingchan completely into it. 

Unconsciously, there was a slight moisture in the corners of her eyes, but the next moment, as the song entered the main part, the deep voice gradually became more intense. The guitar tore through with rapid and urgent sounds, instantly breaking the oppression and sadness.

It stirred up Chu Qingchan's emotions instantly, accelerating her heartbeat and igniting her blood. She felt one word—ignite!

Seconds later, as the climax of the chorus subsided, Xu Lin's voice returned to its deep tone, the melody still gentle, but the lyrics had changed. Transitioning from someone expressing sorrow to someone elucidating tenderness, Xu Lin's slightly hoarse voice after the high pitch added a different flavour.

Following a cheerful "meeting you" phrase, the song entered its conclusion, with only the guitar notes accompanying his breath. 

Finally, as his breathing stabilised, everything came to a halt.

Exhaling, Chu Qingchan felt as though she had expended all her strength. She loosened the fists she didn't realize were clenched, finding them sweaty.

Xu Lin slowly removed his headphones, set aside the guitar, and looked towards the two of them, anticipating Teacher Guan's evaluation.

To be honest, he felt he had done his best. This song, "Encountering You Across Mountains and Seas," was the second-place winner of a singing competition Chu Qingchan had participated in. It goes without saying that it was excellent, although it was a cover. He believed he hadn't ruined the song too much, despite its imperfections.

Guan Mingchen also opened her eyes, her demeanour becoming serious. She then called Xu Lin out, and Xu Lin hurriedly left the recording studio.

"How do you think you sang?"

"It was okay, I guess?"

"No, there were a lot of problems with your singing!"

Both Xu Lin and Chu Qingchan were taken aback, but after Teacher Guan's serious expression, Xu Lin immediately lowered his head.