Chapter 84: The connotation of love.

The seating arrangement for dinner was also very interesting, arranged by Li Yuan.

She and Xu Feng sat on the wide side of the rectangular table. Xu Lin, Chu Qingchan, and Ji Yun sat on one side, while Su Qingwan and Chu Fengyi sat on the other side, with Xu Lin sitting between Chu Qingchan and Ji Yun.

Xu Lin suddenly felt that his mother seemed to have some thoughts, otherwise she wouldn't arrange it this way; she must have had some intentions. Instead of letting everyone sit casually, she guided them slightly according to her favorite girls.

But you don't know that your son wants it all.

No matter how I arrange it, I will face hell, but if I succeed, it won't just be heaven.

Fortunately, no one felt it, or even if they did, they didn't say anything.

But Teacher Su definitely didn't notice anything. Eating Mom's dishes, with a smile on her face, constantly praising, the chopsticks in her hand hardly stopped, it seems she's really hungry.

Otherwise, she wouldn't eat out like this so smoothly. When many people go out to eat with strangers, they tend to eat less, especially women.

But seeing Su Qingwan's appearance, Li Yuan is very happy. After all, it's nice to have someone like her dishes, and this girl isn't pretentious, her personality seems nice.

Most importantly, her physique suggests she could have a natural birth for a child! Not to mention Ji Yun hasn't fully developed yet, let alone Chu Qingchan, although she likes her very much, but she's thin.

She's a bit worried whether having a child will make her uncomfortable, while Chu Fengyi is just being ignored by her directly, like a child, even if she's rich...

Chu Fengyi, at this moment, lowered her head, suddenly feeling that her previous actions had made Xu Lin's parents somewhat dislike her.

But what can she do? In all these years, Chu Fengyi had never flattered or acted cute, how could she handle her mother-in-law? By throwing money around?

But with Xu Lin's good character and his parents likely being well-off, they might even resent her more.

What if she ends up becoming the sister-in-law in the end? But it doesn't seem bad either. In many novels, the sister-in-law character seems quite powerful. No, she shouldn't take the path of a loser dog!

Meanwhile, Xu Lin was chatting with Ji Yun about school matters, while Chu Qingchan quietly listened to their conversation, suddenly thinking that perhaps Xu Lin having an ordinary girlfriend would be better.

Not someone like them, with special identities and age differences, but someone who could accompany him as he grows.

Loving someone isn't about possessing them, but choosing to let them go for their greater happiness.

Thinking of this, Chu Qingchan looked at Xu Lin's profile, momentarily lost in thought. But the next moment, a hand grabbed hers. She immediately turned to look, and Xu Lin was looking at her so gently that, in that moment, the wavering in her heart was instantly resolved, and she tightly held Xu Lin's hand.

However, unbeknownst to Chu Qingchan, Xu Lin's left hand was also holding Ji Yun's hand. But she was more shy, keeping her head down and eating her rice one grain at a time.

Xu Lin also felt guilty for the first time. If he hadn't come back, perhaps they would have had different lives. Was it really right for him to confidently tie them to himself like this?

But the next moment, he shook off those thoughts because he saw Chu Fengyi and Su Qingwan across the table.

A person with memories from a past life, this is fate. His appearance allowed Su Qingwan to live again and freed her from the suffering of marriage.

He must not consider whether he is a scumbag. He must strive and work hard to become successful, to provide them with the success that can bring them happiness in life. If he can't do that, then why does he deserve them? Xu Lin, you can't stop!

But just as he was thinking of his grand aspirations, his phone suddenly rang. He quickly let go of both hands and picked up the phone. He found it was an unfamiliar number, a landline at that, probably a sales call, ready to hang up.

But after some thought, he picked it up again—it was a local number. What if it's an acquaintance, a classmate, or something?

Answering the call, he heard a familiar voice on the other end, heart-wrenching, crying out with a trembling voice. "Xu Lin! My father had an accident and was taken to the hospital. My mom fainted from shock!"

"I called 120, but I don't know what to do now! Help me..."

"Stay calm, I'm coming over right away!" Xu Lin took a deep breath, only saying this one sentence, then stood up, grabbed his jacket from the sofa, and headed out.

"Xu Lin, where are you going?"

Seeing Xu Lin's serious expression, Li Yuan immediately stopped him.

"A classmate's parents are both in the hospital, I'm going to help."

"A female classmate?"


Initially, a few girls nodded, thinking that he would help girls, but he would also help boys, right?

"Let's go too, a girl with both parents in trouble must be very desperate."

"Is it Bai Xiaoxiao?"

Su Qingwan also wiped her mouth and stood up.

"Teacher, you know her?"

"Yes, her family situation is indeed a bit... I'll drive you there!"

"Xu Lin, come here."

Xu Feng called him, Xu Lin was stunned and walked over. Then Xu Feng took out a bank card and handed it to him, "Help if you can, we'll talk about the rest later."

"Dad, you're really manly today!" Xu Lin also gave his dad a thumbs up.

You see, Xu Feng is actually quite frugal, or you could say both husband and wife are. Even if he buys a 300 yuan jacket, he'll be lectured about it for half a day.

He's even reluctant to eat expensive things. When Xu Lin went to have breakfast with his dad in junior high, Xu Lin had mutton soup but he hesitated to have it himself. He bought a baked pancake for himself and only added a piece of spicy skin for one yuan.

"Wife, saving a life is more valuable than anything. You won't blame me for having some private savings, will you?"

"No, I won't."

Li Yuan glared at him, and Xu Lin just smiled and walked straight out, with Su Qingwan hurriedly following.

"Shall we go too?" Chu Qingchan also stood up, ready to follow, even though she couldn't help much, but she and her sister had money.

"You two rest first. If things get out of hand, I'll call you."

"Alright." Hearing Xu Lin's words, Chu Qingchan nodded.

As Xu Lin and Su Qingwan left, Li Yuan also glanced at her husband, implying what's the matter with the private savings?

"Not much, just 30,000 yuan, is it too much?"

"Wow, 30,000 isn't little! How did you manage to save it?"

"I told you my monthly salary was 6,000, but it's actually 7,000. With overtime, I earn an extra 50 yuan each time. I've saved this money over five years."

"Five years should have more than this, right?"

"Last year, I bought you a necklace, remember? I said it was from my bonus, but it actually came from here. This year, I was planning to buy you a ring."

"Buying rings for what? Seems like a waste," Li Yuan looked at her husband, but she was actually quite happy inside.

"No, when I married you, we were very poor. So I promised, when we have money, I'll buy you rings, necklaces, bracelets. Now there are two more to go, and I'll fulfill that promise," her husband replied.

Hearing her husband's words, Li Yuan immediately bit her lip, remembering the hardships of their youth, feeling like crying.

But sensing the surrounding gaze, she held back her tears, slowly walked over, and hugged her husband's shoulder. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me."

Not far away, Chu Qingchan and Ji Yun, even Chu Fengyi, couldn't help but feel emotional.

They, too, had gained new insights into love. Love isn't just about fleeting passion; it's about enduring companionship... It's the ordinary and plainness that constitutes the essence of love.


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