Chapter 114: How is it ninety-nine+ again?

Early the next morning, Xu Lin got up and sat on the bed, practicing the breathing technique first.

His mind instantly cleared, and his body adjusted to a very good state!

He quickly calculated his current total favorability points, which should be 262, still 128 points away from unlocking the system's voice function.

This is outrageous, isn't it?

With a requirement of 400 favorability points, he would need at least 10 girls, each with a favorability of 40. It's not easy to achieve.

He also began to doubt if 100 is the upper limit for favorability, because the highest three are currently Chu Fengyi, Chu Qingchan, and Ji Yun, all with just over forty points.

Chu Fengyi has 46 points, partly due to her memory awakening, while Ji Yun and Chu Qingchan has 43 and 45 respectively.

In terms of perception, it might be 60 or 70, but for now, he decided to check the store.

Since it was Monday, the store should have refreshed its items.

He opened the system store, and because his favorability reached the standard of 200, it automatically upgraded, although he doesn't know what it upgraded to.

However, the items in the store did increase from 4 to 5. He hoped this time they'd refresh with something useful, because he realized something only last night.

That is, the points provided by the system are limited, and he can't spend them recklessly like before.

If the maximum favorability for each of the 12 girls is 60, then there are only 6 rewards per person, totaling 72 rewards.

So, there is a total control limit, and if he doesn't choose carefully and buys some useless things, he'll surely regret it later.

Moreover, he didn't specifically try to increase favorability; it gradually went up with his interactions with them.

With that in mind, he also looked at the 5 items in the store.

[Super Fighting Master Experience Card (1 hour) (Side Effect): 2000 points]

[Super Tracking Dust (Side Effect): 300 points]

[Super Healing Potion (Side Effect): 100 points]

[Randomly Obtain a Level 5 Ability: 100000 points]

[Lingxi Breathing Lv2: 10000 points]

How come there are so many superpowers? And they even come with signs of side effects. Who would dare to buy that!

But Lingxi Breathing can be bought.

Even at level 1, its effects are significant. His physique improves rapidly, and maintaining a state of vitality and spirit is indispensable with this.

He's even suspecting if this Breathing technique is some kind of cultivation technique, but it's unlikely.

Otherwise, as a transmigrator, he would have encountered all sorts of strange events long ago.

Furthermore, this level 5 ability, his highest level abilities are only at level 2, which is like a very skilled level.

For example, at level 2, his culinary skills are already at the level of a restaurant chef, and his acting skills at level 2 have reached the level of a 'normal' actor!

Level 5 is probably the pinnacle of human achievement, or perhaps beyond human capabilities altogether.

But it's just for observation; with 100,000 points, he can't afford it anyway.

So he first bought the Lingxi technique technique, leaving him with over 45,000 points, some of which he obtained from Qin Yunhe.

Speaking of Qin Yunhe, I wonder if she managed to relocate the tiger to her zoo?

Hopefully, she can peacefully resolve the situation with Ma Zhiyu and avoid any unexpected dangers...

He ended up buying the three super items on a whim, despite knowing they had side effects. After all, they were cheap, totaling only 2400.

But right after the purchase, he smacked his head, realizing he had just warned himself about not randomly buying things with points.

Sighing, he muttered, "Why can't I control myself?"

Yet, he admitted he could somewhat empathize with those girls who love shopping for clothes.

Closing the system interface, he picked up his phone and saw that both his WeChat and QQ had over 99 notifications each.

"Yesterday, didn't I tell my acquaintances that I only acted in a short film? I don't have any plans to pursue a career in the entertainment industry."

Speaking about a public welfare advertisement, is it really necessary? After all the editing, my own role is only about 30 seconds.

Opening WeChat, this time everyone is not sending screenshots of advertisements, but they have turned into news screenshots, along with links.

"What's all this about?"

He clicked on what Li Bin had posted just this morning, a picture and a link.

The content of the picture is very simple, but it made him stunned. Their public welfare advertisement, which didn't have much publicity, actually made it to the hot search!?

The picture shows Weibo's hot search list, with 'Public welfare short film unexpectedly so good-looking!' ranked third.

And then there are the following rankings: 5th and 6th, respectively titled 'Shocking! Chu Qingchan can actually act?!' and 'Liu Qinnuan, Chu Qingchan, the fairy younger sister and the fairy older sister join forces!'

There's also the 10th, which is a discussion about the short film itself, mainly criticizing a recent youth movie that couldn't compete in two hours against just four minutes.

Ranked in the dozens or so, there's news about the director and the crew, and finally, rising to the 21st spot is 'I need the name of this little brother, immediately!'

Xu Lin immediately felt something was wrong and quickly opened the link, which happened to be the content of that hot search.

After flipping through it a bit, he realized that indeed the 'little brother' referred to himself!

The official Weibo account of the central television station posted behind-the-scenes footage of the short film.

The content was actually quite short, mainly featuring Chu Qingchan, Liu Qinnuan, the two female leads, and their director, as well as himself.

His screen time was only about 4 or 5 seconds, which was intentional as he had advised the director not to make him too obvious.

But the hottest reply below is just a "I noticed this short film, the acting is good, and the guy is handsome!"

"Hand over your Weibo account! I want the name of the handsome guy, now!"

Then there's a bunch of people clamoring below, asking for his information, and then Director Sun even showed up with a comment.

"Sorry, this kid doesn't like fame. We dragged him into making this short film, but we're figuring out a way. Maybe you'll see him in movies in the future."

Liu Qinnuan reposted it, and even posted a Weibo saying the guy is even more handsome in real life! And Chu Qingchan even liked it.

These people, they just have to dig me up completely, luckily there are good things about being in a small town, gossip reporters can't easily get my information.

Besides, over the years, I haven't even taken 50 photos combined, let alone uploaded them to the internet, and my classmates don't have my photos either.

I don't know any big influencers; they're all ordinary students. Even if I tell them, nobody would believe it, after all, the name Xu Lin is too common.

As he thought about this, he instantly felt much lighter.

He changed into sportswear and headed towards the home of the budding celebrity.

This woman had said she wanted to exercise half a month ago. But just talking about it isn't enough, she needs to lead by example!

Let her sweat it out properly!

Arriving at the building where Chu Qingchan lives, just as he was about to head towards the elevator, a tall, fashionable woman came walking past with a suitcase.

But she stopped at the small threshold in front of the unit door. Xu Lin quickly reached out, pulled it up, and helped her over.

"Thank you," she said with a gentle smile.

Xu Lin nodded in return, but after seeing her face, he felt a sense of familiarity, though he couldn't quite place it.

Two people entered the elevator together like this. The other party pressed the button for the 6th floor, then looked at him and asked, "Which floor?"

"I'm also going to the 6th floor."

"Hmm? You're from the opposite side..."

"Opposite side, yes."

At this moment, Xu Lin also instantly realized.

No wonder he felt a bit familiar. Because there's some resemblance to Ji Yun!

This is his mother-in-law!