Chapter 189: Ended Before It Even Started.

"Aren't we taking a car?"

Xu Lin arrived at the teacher's parking spot and saw a cool blue motorcycle.

"Aren't motorcycles also vehicles?"

"Yeah, but I've never ridden one. No one in my family rides motorcycles now, except maybe my uncle when he was young."

"I'll pull it out first, there are more students around now."


The two left the school, and Qin Yunhe made a graceful turn, sitting directly on the bike.

Her body followed the curves of the bike, accentuating her curves even more beautifully.

"What are you staring at? Haven't you seen enough?"

"You're right, I'll never get tired of looking. Besides, there's a difference between with clothes and without."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get on."

Qin Yunhe gave him a look and gestured for him to get on quickly.

Xu Lin got on directly, placing his hands on Qin Yunhe's waist.

"Hold on tight, or I'll throw you off when I start driving."

"I know."

"And no touching randomly, also, that thing can't happen for another 10 days."

"Okay, didn't you say it was the last time last time?"

"Xu Lin, this really is the last time."

"Okay okay, I was just kidding."

"You're still young, you need to control yourself. But I've been reading lately, and it says the best age for women to conceive is between 24 and 29."

"Do you...?"

Xu Lin remembered that Ms. Ye mentioned it last time, and now Qin Yunhe brought up the topic again, making him wonder if she had some thoughts.

"I don't want to delay your studies, especially since I'm much older than you, it would be hard to handle my Dad's disapproval."

"If you graduate and become an adult, it would be better. At least I can lie to my Dad for a while."

"I said I'd take responsibility last time, but I didn't consider these things for you. If you accept, it might bring a lot of trouble."

"I still have a year, I can wait. After you graduate, I promise to be your girlfriend, and then how about having a child?"

"Deal!" Xu Lin said firmly, lowering his head and gently kissing her neck.

"That tickles, wear your helmet!"


Even though they were riding a motorcycle, Qin Yunhe rode very steadily, knowing and respecting the law.

"By the way, about Su Qingwan's matter, how do you want me to handle it?"

"Why suddenly mention Wanwan?"

"It's something I have to face."

Xu Lin originally planned to deal with both friends separately, gradually increasing their favorability, and then maintaining a balance.

But after what happened with Qin Yunhe, he felt it would be too much to pursue Teacher Su again himself.

So recently, he intentionally reduced contact with Teacher Su, and Su Qingwan might have noticed.

Actually, tonight he planned to go to Su Qingwan's house, fulfill their agreement, and then slowly withdraw.

"You don't need to think about these things, leave it to me. Just get along well with Wanwan, but of course, not too well, especially not in bed."

"Cough! What are you saying, how could that happen?"

"Half a month ago, I couldn't even imagine a man holding onto my waist like this."

"By the way, if I hadn't shown up, did you have any thoughts of finding a boyfriend recently?"

"No, but Dad has started to urge me to get married. Maybe one day I'll just find someone okay and get married casually. If you don't like me anymore, I can't not marry, right?"

"I forbid it."

"What do you forbid, you're not my husband yet?"

"No matter what, you're my wife."

"You brat, I hope you're not just saying it."

Qin Yunhe's tone was one of distrust, but Xu Lin couldn't see her face, which was now adorned with a hopeful smile.

A few minutes later, Xu Lin arrived near the hospital, and Qin Yunhe also found a safe place to park the bike.

"Oh, your birthday is on December 21st, right?"

"Yes, what's up? Want to celebrate the birthday together?"

Xu Lin smirked mischievously, but Qin Yunhe didn't take the bait, replying earnestly, "I was thinking of inviting Wanwan to join us for dinner. What do you think?"

"Do you have to bring a third wheel?"

Xu Lin looked at Qin Yunhe, thinking, You don't understand. Your best friend is also an enemy. You're nurturing a spy within.

"Why, my best friend is my girlfriend?!"

"If one day, we have a conflict, who would you choose?"

"Uh... Xu Lin, your question doesn't make sense. Besides, I've known Wanwan for over ten years. How do you think you'll win?"

"Then should I leave?"

"Don't go, haha. Just interact with Wanwan normally. Whether it's her intentions or yours, I can handle it."

"I hope you can handle it."

"Are you going home for lunch?"

"It depends. If I'm delayed, I'll just head back to school."

"Don't wander around, end up in an internet café, and get caught. I'll give you a hard time!"

"I won't. I never go to internet cafés!"

"Alright, let's go."

"Yeah, take care on your way."

Watching Qin Yunhe's bike disappear around the corner, Xu Lin crossed the street and entered the shop on the other side.

It was the same owner as last time, warmly welcoming him, "What can I get you?"

"Give me a crate of yogurt."

"It's 75 for a crate, but there's a promotion now. For an extra 5 yuan, you get a gift box with a coffee cup and 10 packets of bird's nest coffee."

"That sounds good, I'll take one."

With the gift box in hand, Xu Lin headed towards the hospital. He hadn't been to the hospital many times in his life, maybe just four or five times, and wasn't very familiar with it.

So, to find the surgery department, he had to ask around, but when he got there, a nurse told him it was on the inpatient side.

Xu Lin had to run up to the 5th floor of the inpatient department, and as he walked, he felt a sense of familiarity. Wasn't this where Uncle Bai was hospitalized last time?

"Let's ask someone which one it is."

"Do you need any help?"

As Xu Lin wandered in the corridor, a voice rang out, and he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.

Turning around, he saw a beautiful lady wearing glasses.

Though she wore glasses, he still recognized those familiar willow-leaf eyebrows and captivating slender eyes.

"Hello... uh, miss."

"Do I know you?"

Just as he spoke, she cut in, leaving Xu Lin stunned. She didn't recognize him, maybe because she forgot.

"Um, it's just that I saw you had low blood sugar last time, and I helped you get a piece of chocolate. Maybe you forgot, it's okay."

"Oh, it's you... Ah! I'm really sorry. Last time I wasn't wearing glasses, and my nearsightedness is quite high. Plus, I had low blood sugar, which made me dizzy."

"It's okay, it's okay. You guys work hard, and when you're busy, you probably can't eat properly, so low blood sugar is understandable."

"It's not that bad."

The female doctor smiled. She had encountered many difficult patients recently, so encountering someone understanding made her unexpectedly happy.

This little brother is quite handsome, she thought to herself. I should ask for his WeChat later. I wonder if he has a girlfriend or something~

"By the way, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm looking for a doctor named Zhu Zhaoxue."

"Huh? Are you looking for me?"

"Are you... Zhu Zhaoxue?"

"Yeah, did my older brother send you?"

"Well... he's my homeroom teacher."

"..." Zhu Zhaoxue was stunned. Why is he a high school student?! My love life is ended before it even started!