A Room Full of Embarrassment

The Sun was up, casting a warm and gentle glow over the world, while the birds added their melodic notes to the morning symphony. Their songs filled the air with a sweet serenade, a harmony of nature that danced through the open window.

Coming from the curtains of the white window, the rays from the rising sun fell on Sera's face like a delicate caress, their golden warmth kissing her skin and gently coaxing her from slumber. The room bathed in a soft, ethereal light, as if the sun itself had whispered its secrets to the curtains.

"Mmm..." Sera's soft murmur was the first sound to grace the room, a sleepy utterance that mingled with the delicate rustle of the curtains, as she slowly opened her eyes to the gentle embrace of morning.

And the first thing she saw after opening her eyes was a sight that both surprised and bewildered her. Lying at her side, facing her, was a naked man. The sun's radiance painted his silver hair with a soft, shimmering glow, making them appear almost otherworldly in their splendor.

One of his hands rested gently on her waist, sending a curious sensation through her skin. One of his legs intertwined with hers, their limbs forming an unintentional, intimate tangle. His presence in her bed was an unexpected intrusion, like a dream that had somehow breached the boundary of reality.

Adding to the bewildering tableau, his 'thing' rested against her belly, an oddly intimate connection that left her momentarily stunned. Her subconscious instincts kicked in, and she swiftly pushed him out of the bed with a surge of strength.

The man tumbled to the floor with a thud, awakening with a groggy "Mmm," as his eyes fluttered open. The fatigue of their mysterious encounter lingered in his gaze, and his head pulsed with a mild headache. With a hand that moved with a hesitant grace, he rubbed his eyes, pushing away the remnants of sleep.

He gradually became aware of his nudity, a realization that might have prompted alarm under ordinary circumstances. However, he seemed oddly unfazed, as if the situation held a deeper layer of complexity. He glanced around the unfamiliar room, the details of which began to etch themselves into his consciousness. The furnishings, the colors, the very essence of the place bore an air of unfamiliarity, yet he didn't display the shock one might expect from such a discovery.

Instead, he slowly began to rise from the floor, his movements deliberate and contemplative. Yet, before he could make sense of his surroundings, his gaze was abruptly captured by the presence of a girl. Sera had emerged from her bed, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

"Huh? A girl!" His voice held a trace of wonder and confusion, adding to the enigma of the moment, as he instinctively followed her gaze, which seemed fixated on an area of particular interest.

Sera's eyes remained locked onto an area of his anatomy, her gaze unwavering and her expression a mixture of curiosity and astonishment. The blanketed reality dawned on him, and with a swift, almost instinctual movement, he snatched the nearby blanket and covered himself with it, a sudden blush tinging his cheeks.

She stood before him, her presence a commanding force as she spoke with a mixture of curiosity and a tinge of anger. "Who are you?" Her voice carried the weight of authority, demanding answers. "And what are you doing in my room?"

"Your room?"

The shock that coursed through Rael was palpable, his eyes wide with disbelief as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room was a tapestry of intricate details, each element bearing its own story. Elegant furniture with delicate carvings stood as silent witnesses to a life he knew nothing about. The walls were adorned with paintings, their vibrant colors telling tales of artistic passion. A shelf lined with books held the promise of countless adventures, and the window framed a world outside that was equally as mysterious as the room itself.

Yet, despite the overwhelming unfamiliarity, Rael didn't display the astonishment one might expect from such a situation. Instead, his brows furrowed in deep contemplation as he pondered the enigmatic circumstances. His gaze moved from one detail to another, absorbing the room's essence with an analytical curiosity.

'What is this place?' His thoughts echoed with a sense of wonderment and confusion, as if he had stepped into a realm that defied explanation. The very air held a sense of unreality, like a dream that was at once vivid and elusive.

As questions swirled in his mind like a tempest, fragments of memory began to resurface. The name Nyambe, the God of Fire, floated to the surface of his consciousness, like a piece of a puzzle waiting to be fitted into the larger picture.

'How did I end up here? Wasn't I fighting the God of Fire, Nyambe?' The fragments of his memory were like shards of glass, sharp and fragmented, cutting through the fog of confusion. But before he could delve deeper into these thoughts, Sera's voice broke through his reverie.

"Yeah, my room?" Her voice held an edge of anger, a tone that sliced through the uncertainty of the moment. The audacity of his presence in her room, the audacity of his nudity, all wrapped in the flippant question of whether it was indeed her room, was enough to ignite her fury.

The room itself seemed to hold its breath, as if time had slowed in anticipation of the confrontation. 'How dare he?! Coming to my room and sleeping with me naked and then saying 'Is this your room'?' Her inner monologue seethed with indignation, adding a layer of intensity to the charged atmosphere.

Amidst the swirling whirlwind of confusion and frustration, Rael's mind raced to make sense of the situation. 'It seems I lost and somehow ended up in this woman's room,' he thought, his internal monologue laced with a tinge of resignation. The circumstances that had led to this bizarre encounter were a puzzle he couldn't quite unravel.

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, the unexpected occurred. Sera's leg shot out with a precision that caught him off guard. The swift motion was like a bolt of lightning, adding an element of surprise to an already bewildering situation. Her foot connected with Rael's face, a deft strike that left him momentarily disoriented.

"Keuk!" Rael let out a strangled sound, his eyes widening with surprise as Sera's foot connected with his face, sending him sprawling. The room spun briefly in his vision, adding a dizzying sensation to the already bewildering situation. His senses were assaulted by a whirlwind of images and sounds.

With a fluidity of motion that seemed almost instinctual, Sera pinned him to the floor, her strength evident in the firm pressure of her hands on his shoulders. Her fingers pressed into his skin, adding a tactile element to his disorientation. It was as if she held him captive, her determination etched in every line of her body, a force of nature to be reckoned with.

"Speak, who sent you?" Sera's voice sliced through the air like a blade, each word carrying a weight that brooked no resistance. Her breath was warm against his skin, and her eyes, a shade of violet that seemed to pierce his very soul, bore into him with unwavering intensity. Her questions were pointed, her gaze unyielding, as if she were extracting answers from the very depths of his being. "Is it the Dragon Slayer Guild? Or FireBird guild? Or is it the World Association?"

Rael's mind raced, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind as he struggled to make sense of the situation. 'FireBird guild? Dragon Slayer guild? Are those the names of some Kingdoms?' His internal monologue was a jumble of confusion, the details of this world still elusive.

But his musings were interrupted by a searing pain in his cheek, like the sting of a thousand bees. 'But that isn't important. How can I feel pain? The kick doesn't seem that strong but it hurts like crazy. Don't tell me—' Rael's unspoken thought was cut short as he winced, the pain adding a visceral layer to his bewilderment.

"Speak up before—" Sera's voice held a note of finality, but before she could complete her sentence, a sudden sound filled the room.


The noise was like a thunderclap, a sharp and unexpected interruption. Rael's and Sera's attention snapped toward the source, their senses attuned to the door, which seemed to take on a life of its own.

With a creak, the door slowly opened, revealing a middle-aged woman. Her arrival was almost surreal, like a scene from a play unfolding before their eyes. She began to speak, her words initially muffled as if they traveled through water.

"Sera, you should..." The woman's voice was a soothing cadence, her words carrying an air of maternal concern. She moved into the room, her step tentative and deliberate, as if navigating a delicate balance. "...quickly..."

And then her eyes fell upon the tableau before her, and the words caught in her throat. Her gaze swept over Rael, who lay on the ground, naked and vulnerable, the blanket providing only minimal coverage. Sera's foot pressed against his face, adding a layer of absurdity to the already awkward situation.

As the she stood just two steps away from the room's wall, she seemed to hesitate for a moment. Her eyes darted between Rael and Sera, caught in a surreal tableau of confusion and surprise. Without turning her back to them, she took a deliberate step backward, her retreat measured and careful.

In the midst of this peculiar scene, Rael and Sera, still in the process of untangling themselves and trying to make sense of the situation, exchanged furtive glances. Their eyes met briefly, conveying a mixture of embarrassment and bewilderment.

But before anyone could react further, the woman's hand reached for the doorknob with a sense of determination. She closed the door in front of her with a decisive click, sealing off the room from the outside world. The door was like a barrier, separating the absurdity within from the normalcy outside.

"Sorry, I will come back later." Her voice, now muffled by the closed door, carried a mixture of embarrassment and haste.

"Huh?!" The word echoed in unison from both Rael and Sera, their voices laced with a surreal blend of surprise and amusement.