The Infinite Harem System

Back at Sera's house, the dining table was set with exquisite china, gleaming silverware, and crystal glasses. It was adorned with a delicate lace tablecloth, adding an air of elegance to the room. The aroma of freshly cooked breakfast filled the air, with dishes like fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and warm buttered toast laid out before them.

Sera's parents, an elegant couple, sat at the head of the table. Her father, a distinguished man with salt-and-pepper hair that spoke of both wisdom and authority, wore a finely tailored suit. His demeanor was one of quiet contemplation as he gazed at Sera, his eyes bearing an unmistakable air of concern.

Beside him, Sera's mother exuded warmth and grace. Her smile was gentle and reassuring, her eyes twinkling with maternal affection. She wore a floral dress that seemed to mirror the beauty of the garden outside the window.

Rael sat on the chair beside Sera, an intriguing presence in this domestic tableau. Despite the unusual circumstances, he bore himself with an air of composure, his posture relaxed yet attentive. He wore a simple, well-fitted outfit that hinted at both his humility and strength.

"Before we start eating," Sera's father began, his voice resonating with authority, "I would like to talk about something important."

Sera's heart quickened, and she exchanged a quick glance with Rael, who met her gaze with a subtle nod of encouragement. Her father's words hung in the air, adding an element of suspense to the morning.

"What is it, Dad?" Sera inquired, her tone a mixture of anticipation and readiness.

'Thank goodness I talked to him beforehand,' she thought inwardly glancing at Rael, a sense of relief washing over her.

Sera's father took a moment, his gaze shifting from Sera to Rael and back again. The atmosphere in the room was laden with a sense of significance, as if the conversation held the power to shape their future.

"Who is he?" her father finally asked, his tone measured and deliberate.

Sera opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, her father continued, "Before you speak, just know that your mother has already told me everything."

Sera's eyes widened with surprise, and she turned to look at her mother, who nodded in confirmation. Her mother's eyes were warm and understanding, filled with a motherly empathy that made Sera feel both grateful and apprehensive.

"About that, Dad," Sera began, her voice tinged with hesitation, "He is..." But once again, before she could continue, her mother interjected with an enthusiastic tone.

"Your boyfriend, right?" her mother chimed in, her eyes sparkling with a hint of excitement. She had clearly been eager to share this revelation.

"Huh? No-" Sera started, but this time she was interrupted by Rael. He leaned forward and spoke with a confident tone, "Yeah, you got it right. I am her boyfriend. And what you saw earlier was also real," he confirmed, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he glanced at Sera.

Sera's eyes widened in surprise, and she shot Rael a bewildered look. 'What is he saying?' her thoughts raced.

Rael, on the other hand, maintained a sheepish smile and playfully raised an eyebrow, then quickly lowered it, as if teasing Sera. 'What the heck?' Sera thought, utterly perplexed by Rael's unexpected response.

Her father nodded thoughtfully, his expression shifting from surprise to understanding. "Hmm, is that why you rejected everyone, no matter their background or appearance? Now I understand. You already had a boyfriend." He nodded in what he believed was understanding, his eyes closing momentarily as if processing the information.

"No, Dad! He isn't my boyfriend." Sera protested vehemently, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. She felt like her world was spiraling out of control as the situation took an unexpected turn.

"It's okay," her father said, his tone gentle and understanding. "I know you want to keep it a secret from the world, I understand." He offered a reassuring smile, a fatherly gesture meant to convey his support.

"Well, we can talk more after we have our breakfast," he continued, directing his gaze toward Rael, who had maintained a composed smile throughout the exchange.

"Of course," Rael replied, maintaining his smile as he glanced at Sera. Sera's eyes darted between Rael and her father, her mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events. 'What just happened?' She couldn't fathom why Rael had decided to play along with the misunderstanding.


Some minutes before...

Sera, feeling increasingly frustrated, sighed deeply as she wracked her brain for a solution. "What should I do now?" She muttered to herself, her brows furrowed in frustration. "How am I going to explain this?"

Meanwhile, at the same time, a blue holographic screen materialized in front of Rael as he lay on the ground, his eyes widening in astonishment, his face still aching from Sera's kick. The room's ambiance seemed to shift once more as a holographic interface came to life, casting an eerie glow on his bewildered face.

— System Starting...

— System Started successfully...

Rael's eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. 'Huh? A screen?!' he thought, his surprise evident. 'But how? Wasn't it extinguished five hundred years ago?'

And then, as if to answer his unspoken question, the screen changed, revealing a new message:

— Infinite Harem System —

'Infinite Harem System?' Rael's confusion deepened as he tried to make sense of the situation. 'It is different this time. I think I was like 'Demonic System' or something before?'

The screen continued to display information:

— Scanning the surroundings...

— Warning!

— A God-level threat has been found.

— Activating 'Real-Time Status'.

Suddenly, Rael's left eye started to burn with a raging red, fire-like aura. At the same time, a red-hued screen materialized in his left-eye vision, overlaying his field of view with a cascade of neon-red data and information, almost as if a heads-up display had materialized before him.

'Huh? This?! It feels familiar,' Rael thought, a sense of déjà vu washing over him. 'The only difference is the color being red instead of blue. Other than that, everything is just like that skill.'

But his sense of familiarity was abruptly interrupted when he focused on his left-eye vision and found something that was both shocking and heart-wrenching.

"No way!" Rael exclaimed involuntarily, his voice filled with disbelief and sorrow, causing Sera to turn and look at him as he quickly suppressed the red aura before she could notice anything unusual.

He offered a weak smile and said, "Sorry, I just had a strange sensation. I must have a little headache."

Sera looked at him with a mixture of suspicions and concern in her eyes, her brow furrowing slightly. She could tell that something was off, and Rael's explanation didn't entirely convince her.

'She is HER?!' Meanwhile, Rael's mind continue to race with a whirlwind of emotions, confusion, and memories. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him stunned and speechless.