The Dragon's Proposition

Around some minutes later....

One Guild

Sera and Rael arrived at the One guild headquarters, the imposing building that served as the hub of all their adventures and operations. The atmosphere inside was bustling with activity, players coming and going, and the sound of voices filled the air.

Sera's assistant, a young man named Leo, hurried over as they entered the building. His eyes lit up with recognition when he saw Sera.

"Guild Master, you're here!" Leo exclaimed with a warm smile.

"Yeah," Sera replied with a nod, her expression focused. "Lead me to where he is."

Leo nodded and quickly led them through the labyrinthine corridors of the guild headquarters. They passed by players in various states of preparation, some studying maps, others sharpening their weapons, all gearing up for their next quests.

Sera's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as she tried to process the unexpected turn of events. The mention of the 4 floored A-grade dungeon, 'Blue Nest,' had stirred her curiosity and concern. What could the Dragon Slayer possibly know about it, and why was he seeking her out?

As they approached the office designated for their meeting, Sera could feel the tension in the air. Her steps slowed as she took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the encounter. She glanced at Rael, who had maintained his composed demeanor throughout, and said, "Rael, I need you to wait outside for now. This meeting might involve guild secrets."

Rael nodded understandingly, his expression composed. "Okay,"

Upon entering the office, Sera found the Dragon Slayer, a formidable figure in the world of players, sitting on a sofa.

He was a tall man with a rugged appearance, his face wore a mark of a cut which spoke of his countless battles against formidable creatures. Standing next to him was his assistant, a woman with a stern expression and a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Sera's eyes locking onto the Dragon Slayer. He stood up as she approached, his imposing presence made even more evident in the confined space.

"You are finally here, Sera," he said in a deep, gravelly voice that held a hint of excitement.

Sera nodded, her curiosity growing by the second. She gestured for Leo to close the door behind them before taking a seat across from the Dragon Slayer. His assistant remained standing, her gaze unwavering.

"Let's not waste any time," Sera said, her tone businesslike. "You mentioned the 4-floored A-grade dungeon, 'Blue Nest.' What do you know about it?"

The Dragon Slayer leaned in slightly, his eyes locking onto Sera's with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "I know more than most," he replied cryptically. "But before we delve into that, there's something I've been wanting to discuss with you, Sera."

Sera raised an eyebrow, her guard going up. "This meeting is about the dungeon, not personal matters."

He chuckled, his deep voice resonating through the room. "Ah, Sera, always so focused on business. But it's not personal; it's a proposal that could benefit both of us."

Sera's thoughts raced. What was he getting at? She decided to keep the conversation on track. "Fine, we'll discuss your proposal after you share what you know about 'Blue Nest.' It's crucial information for our guild's future success."

The Dragon Slayer leaned back, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Very well, Sera. 'Blue Nest' is not your ordinary dungeon. It's rumored to hide ancient relics of great power, ones that could shift the balance of this world. But it's also known for its dangers. Many have entered, but none have returned."

Sera's mind whirled with possibilities. The thought of ancient relics was enticing, but so was the risk. "Why are you telling me this? What's your angle?"

He leaned in again, his voice lowering to a husky tone. "Because, Sera, I believe that together, our guilds can conquer 'Blue Nest' and claim its treasures. And, perhaps, we can explore other... mutually beneficial arrangements."

Sera leaned back in her chair, maintaining a cool composure despite the Dragon Slayer's suggestive tone. She was no stranger to negotiating and had faced various types of players seeking alliances or deals. This, however, was different.

"Let's focus on 'Blue Nest' for now," she said firmly, trying to steer the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Any specific information about the dungeon layout, its inhabitants, or potential challenges?"

The Dragon Slayer's expression shifted, his eyes losing some of their intensity. "Hmmm. 'Blue Nest' is a multi-tiered dungeon with a complex network of tunnels. Its main attraction is the rumored Dragon's Chamber at its deepest level, where the most significant treasures are said to be hidden."

Sera noted the mention of a Dragon's Chamber with intrigue. If that were true, it could indeed hold valuable artifacts. "What about the creatures within the dungeon? Any notable guardians or hostile entities?"

Dragon Slayer's assistant finally spoke up, her voice stern and measured. "The dungeon is known for its diverse array of creatures, from frostbite spiders to elemental guardians. It's a perilous place, and any expedition would require careful planning and a skilled team."

Sera nodded, absorbing the information. She had faced formidable challenges before, but this dungeon presented an entirely different level of risk. She turned her attention back to the Dragon Slayer. "Your proposal to join forces is intriguing, but it requires careful consideration. We'd need to discuss the specifics, including how we would divide any treasures we find."

He smiled again, undeterred by her deflection of his advances. "Of course, Sera. We can discuss those details in due time."

Sera was left with a sense of unease. The prospect of cooperating with the Dragon Slayer had its appeal, but his intentions remained shrouded in mystery. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his proposal than met the eye.

After the Dragon Slayer left the room, Sera turned her attention toward her assistant, Leo. "Leo, I want you to investigate the man sitting outside," she said, her tone firm but not revealing her suspicions.

Leo nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Guild Master. I'll discreetly gather information about him and report back with my findings."

As Leo said that, Sera couldn't help but wonder about Rael, the mysterious figure. From his actions and appearance, he didn't seem to be affiliated with any guild. It raised questions about his true identity and motives. Was he a player who concealed his true affiliation, or did he have some other agenda?

Meanwhile, outside the office, Rael sat with a subtle smile on his face.

— Infinite Harem System —

— Ultra Hearing is activated.

He had heard the entire conversation from inside, thanks to his Ultra Hearing skill. It was as if he had been a silent observer to the intriguing discussion between Sera and the Dragon Slayer.

"Investigate me? It looks like things are getting interesting," Rael mused to himself.

As Rael examined the screen in front of him, he couldn't help but think, 'It seems like this system contains all the skills of the Demonic System.' The discovery left him intrigued, wondering about the vast array of abilities and powers that might be at his disposal within this mysterious system.