A Quest of Desires

Rael landed gracefully in front of the imposing Priest Guild building, his wings extending to their full span before slowly beginning to shrink. As they receded, the feathers on the pristine white wing and the skin on the dark, bat-like wing folded neatly behind his back, seamlessly vanishing into his form.

The moonlight danced off his silver hair as he stood there, his aura crackling with electricity once more. He raised his hand, index and middle fingers extended, creating an ominous image against the darkening sky.

The once-clear night sky transformed rapidly, black clouds gathering overhead. A low rumble of thunder echoed ominously, and the air itself seemed to vibrate with energy as bolts of electricity crackled in the clouds, mirroring the aura that enveloped Rael.

With a cold and unyielding expression, Rael's voice cut through the gathering storm. "Be gone."

As if obeying his command, the storm intensified, lightning flashing and thunderclaps shaking the ground. It was as if nature itself responded to his presence, a testament to the enigmatic power he held.

Just as he was about to flick his fingers to command another display of power, a translucent screen materialized before him.

— Infinite Harem System —

— A quest has been created!

— Quest Title: Conquest of Desire

— Objective: Seduce and have sex with Guild Master Luna.

— Reward: Dark Slave Book

— Description: Delve into the depths of darkness and claim the forbidden Dark Slave Book, a tome that binds the souls of women as eternal slaves, granting you control over their desires and actions.

Rael's piercing gaze remained fixed on the quest details, his expression growing even colder and more calculating.

"Interesting," he murmured, a subtle hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. The prospect of obtaining the Dark Slave Book intrigued him, a tome that promised control over desires and actions.

With resolute determination, he accepted the quest, allowing the translucent screen to fade away.


Now, in the present, inside the Guild Master's opulent office, Luna's presence exuded an air of authority and elegance. Her fingers gently tapped the plush armrest of her chair, the scent of freshly bloomed lilies permeating the room, adding a touch of tranquility to the opulence.

Her advisor, Ronan, stood tall beside an ornate table, clad in the traditional Priest Guild attire. His stern countenance contrasted sharply with the luxurious surroundings, his robe catching the warm glow of the chandeliers that adorned the room.

Their conversation flowed with a sense of foreboding as they discussed Sera and the man Luna had sent to confront her.

But then, Luna's keen instincts sent shivers down her spine. An eerie foreboding washed over her, originating from beyond the walls of her office.

In an instant, chaos erupted outside the door. Shouts of alarm filled the air, the frantic cries threatening to breach the sanctuary of Luna's inner sanctum.

"Stop him! Prevent his approach to the guild master's office!" The voices of guild members rang out in desperation.

"Hurry! Execute the protective array formation!" Another voice shouted, the urgency palpable.

Amid the turmoil, Ronan's startled words escaped involuntarily, his voice tinged with confusion, "What is happening?"

Before they could make sense of the chaos, the office's grand door shattered into splinters. A man was thrown through it, his body crashing onto the ornate table before Luna.

Ronan's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the gruesome sight. The man's flesh appeared as if it had been subjected to an otherworldly fire, disfigured and charred, the very essence of agony.

Luna's heart pounded with fear, a sensation she had long suppressed. She understood that something extraordinary had breached their guild's formidable defenses, shattering their sanctuary.

Ronan's thoughts raced, his trembling limbs betraying his efforts to stay composed. 'Is this... fear?' he questioned himself, a rare sensation.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Ronan compelled his eyes to move toward the ruined doorway. There, he witnessed a figure—a man with silver hair, his left eye ablaze with an eerie crimson aura, and his entire form enveloped in writhing tendrils of electricity.

The man's presence was a harbinger of doom, and the room seemed to crackle with a malevolence that sent shivers down Ronan's spine.

'Who is he?' Ronan's thoughts raced, his voiceless inquiry mirrored by the stark terror etched upon his features. The man before him, cloaked in a maelstrom of crackling lightning, was none other than Rael. His visage had grown even darker, his presence more menacing than ever.

Rael advanced toward Luna with an unhurried, calculated pace. His left eye burned with an eerie crimson light, granting him insight into every detail of the room, and the heads-up display of everyone present.

Luna, veiled but alert, met Rael's gaze with concealed apprehension. Ronan, trying to summon his sword to protect his guild master, stood ready, his determined features etched with the will to defend.

But Rael's malevolent intent was unrelenting. With a nonchalant flick of his finger, he summoned a cataclysmic burst of electricity from above, obliterating the guild's roof and striking Ronan with relentless force.

The resulting destruction was a sensory onslaught—a blinding flash, an ear-splitting thunderclap, and the acrid smell of burnt wood and scorched flesh filled the air.

As the electrical tempest subsided, Luna's heart sank, her concealed eyes widening with disbelief. The once stalwart advisor, Ronan, was reduced to naught but ash strewn upon the floor.

'He is dead?' Luna's thoughts echoed in disbelief, her veiled eyes wide with shock. Although her emotions remained hidden behind the opaque veil, the weight of despair hung heavy in the air.

After reducing Ronan to dust, Rael slowly turned his gaze toward Luna, the Priest Guild Master, with an aura of palpable menace emanating from him. His silver hair seemed to gleam even brighter under the eerie crimson glow of his left eye, which had gained an additional layer of complexity as data and information began to flow within.

• Name: Luna (Priest Guild Master) (Quest's Target)

As his gaze bore into Luna's, bolts of electricity continued to crackle across his form, casting stark shadows on the walls of her lavishly adorned office. Luna's presence, once commanding and regal, now seemed to wither under the oppressive weight of Rael's malevolence.

Lightning continued to surge across Rael's body, his left eye like a searing brand that seeped into the very depths of Luna's soul. His voice, a frigid wind that cut through the room, echoed with chilling determination. "You have made me exceedingly angry."

"And now, you shall become my puppet, regretting the day you were born," he declared with an air of finality, his intentions clear and bone-chilling.

"W-who are you?" Luna stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and curiosity as she struggled to process the sudden, catastrophic intrusion into her sanctuary.

"Me?" Rael replied, his silver hair glistening eerily in the dimly lit room. His left eye continued to radiate an otherworldly crimson aura, pulsating with dark energy. "I am Rael," he stated ominously, "And you have done something really unforgivable."

Luna's heart raced as the gravity of the situation sank in. The air around her grew heavy with tension, and she felt a sense of dread clawing at her insides.

"Rael," she said, her voice regaining a hint of composure, "If you have an issue with the Priest Guild, we can discuss it peacefully. There's no need for violence." Her words carried a glimmer of hope, a plea for reason amidst the chaos.

Rael's lips curled into a sinister smile, his expression growing even darker. "Heh," he chuckled darkly, "You are right. I wouldn't have resorted to violence if not for the quest." 

A glimmer of relief flickered in Luna's heart, but it was short-lived as Rael's words continued to chill her to the core.

"I would have just obliterated this whole building in a single strike." Rael continued, his threat hanging in the air like a storm cloud.

"What?!" Luna exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock at the thought of such devastating power being wielded against her guild.

But then, Rael raised his hand again, and Luna's senses went on high alert. She couldn't see what he was doing, but an eerie sense of impending danger gripped her. 'From the sound, it seems he can control electricity,' Luna realized in horror, 'No way!'

Before she could react, Rael flicked his hand, and a command rang out.

"Shield!" Luna's voice trembled as she desperately invoked a protective barrier. A faint yellow shield began to materialize around her, forming a protective sphere.


But before the shield could fully manifest, a devastating barrage of electricity descended from the sky. It obliterated the roof above them, striking Luna with merciless force.

"Aaahhh!" Luna's agonized cry pierced the air as the lightning strike ravaged her and the surroundings. The table beside her disintegrated in the intense electrical surge.

When the lightning finally subsided, Luna lay motionless on the scorched ground, her body charred, devoid of any trace of cloth or hair.

"Urrg!" Luna groaned, clinging to life, her body battered and broken but not yet defeated.

Rael approached her with a sinister smile, his left eye providing him with crucial information about her condition.

• Status: Alive

• Health: 2%

• Divinity: 3200

"I knew you wouldn't die just from that," Rael remarked callously, looking down at the wounded Guild Master. He then delivered a cruel blow, kicking her in the stomach.

"Urrg!" Luna gasped in agony, her body wracked with pain.

"Why are you groaning?" Rael sneered, seemingly indifferent to her suffering. "I know you can regenerate. After all, you're a Priest of that DAMN Goddess who is really hard to kill."

'Huh? How did he know that?' Luna thought, her surprise evident as she struggled to make sense of Rael's knowledge.

"Hurry up, before another lightning strike hits you," Rael urged, his voice a chilling reminder of the danger that loomed.

'Shit!' Luna cursed inwardly, realizing the urgency of the situation. Her body began the slow process of recovery. The blackened scars and searing wounds started to vanish, her flesh regaining its original color.

Her long, golden hair and tattered clothes restored themselves before her very eyes. It was a sight both miraculous and horrifying, the wounds stitching themselves together in a grotesque dance of regeneration.

"That is more like it," Rael remarked, his left eye tracking every detail of Luna's recovery with an unsettling intensity.

After her body was fully restored, a translucent screen materialized in front of Luna.

[Your body has been fully recovered.]

[Your health is back to normal.]

[Recovery Cost: Divinity -100]

[Health Cost: Divinity -98]

[Remaining Divinity: 3002]

"What do you want?" Luna asked, her voice laced with both defiance and desperation as she attempted to rise to her feet.

But just as she spoke, Rael raised his hand again, a malevolent glint in his eye. "Ho, brace yourself," he warned ominously. "Here it comes."

"No way! Not again!" Luna exclaimed, raising her hand in a futile attempt to protect herself. The lightning struck her once more, coursing through her body with searing agony.

This cruel cycle repeated itself as Luna attempted to speak or resist. Each time, Rael summoned the deadly lightning, leaving her in excruciating pain. It was a relentless onslaught, a chilling display of power and dominance.

"Again!" Rael's command was swift, and another jolt of electricity surged through Luna's body.

"No-" Luna managed to utter before she was struck once more.

Luna's attempts to speak were met with repeated lightning strikes, each one sending bolts of agony through her. The room bore witness to this cruel cycle, the atmosphere thick with tension and pain.





This repeated several times, with Luna trying to protest or question Rael's actions, but each time he silenced her with another lightning strike. The process was relentless, and Luna's body recovered in a matter of seconds between each strike.





But then, as Luna's strength waned, her words changed, becoming a plea rather than a question.


Rael hesitated for a moment, his left eye scanning Luna's condition with an unsettling intensity. He took in her fully recovered state:

• Status: Alive

• Health: 100%

• Divinity: 49

"No more lightning strikes," Luna implored, her voice a mixture of relief and desperation. Her body had not only recovered, but her clothes and hair had returned to their pristine state.

"Please, I beg you," she continued, her voice trembling, "I will do anything you say, but no more strikes."

Rael's lips curled into a sinister smile as he allowed the electricity covering his body to disappear, leaving behind an eerie stillness in the room.

"You will do anything I say?" he inquired, his left eye still pulsating with red energy.

Luna nodded fervently, her veiled face betraying her distress. "Yes, please, let me live."

"If so," Rael commanded with an air of malevolence, "then strip."

"Huh? What?!" Luna's voice quivered in shock at the unexpected demand.