Epicness: Arrival

A moment ago...

Outside the Desert's Hell Dungeon...

The stars were shining above the vast desert, and the cool breeze blew through the night air.

A crescent moon was hanging in the sky, and its light illuminated the sandy ground below.

With its soft silver glow, it seemed to have a calming effect on the otherwise yellow and brown terrain.

Its shape was like a beautiful bow, its ends were sharp and it was curving up.

In the middle of it was a star, and its rays were shining brightly.

'That's a nice moon, isn't it?'

A man named Leo was looking up, admiring the night sky.

'I hope it isn't my last time seeing this view.'

'It has already been 14 minutes and we have no information regarding the Divine Extractor. And, no matter how you see it, he isn't someone who would show up just because you have called him.'

'I mean, he's the Divine Extractor, the strongest being in the world, and also one of the top 10 richest people in the world. He wouldn't appear just because you called him.'

Leo was thinking about these things as he was standing at the entrance of the Desert's Hell Dungeon, and the time was passing slowly.

'So, why does Miss Sera think he would show up? The guy who wouldn't even care about the end of the world?'

He was curious about the reason, and he couldn't understand it.

'Why would the Divine Extractor who didn't care about anyone, show up just because the Guild Master of One Guild, Sera, asked him?'

'That guy once said that there was only one person in the whole world that he cares about. And, him fighting the monsters was also to help that person.'

'I don't think he would do something to help us, unless...'

'The person he cares about asks for it.'

'Which is also not likely to happen.'

'So, why did Sera say he would come?'

He sighed and scratched his head.

Leo had already given up on the possibility of the Divine Extractor showing up, but he didn't say anything because...

'I am scared of Miss Sera, she's too scary when she's angry.'

'No way I am gonna say anything before the time is up.'

'She would definitely kill me if I did.'

He was standing there, his eyes glued on the beautiful scenery above, when suddenly...

"He is here."


"He's here," Sera repeated, her tone calm and composed.

"What?" Leo was shocked, his eyes were locked on Sera's back who was standing in front of him.

'The Divine Extractor is here?'



He quickly turned around, and saw a man, walking towards them.

The man's steps were slow and steady, a dark aura was rising from his body, and his face was covered under a mask.

Leo could only stare in awe, it was the first time he saw the Divine Extractor up close.

He looked very imposing, his entire body was clad in a black suit, and his hands were buried deep inside his pocket.

'Just looking at him gives me chills,' he thought.

'I can't believe it's him.'

'Is it him?'

Leo was dumbfounded.

'The Divine Extractor was supposed to be a mysterious figure, someone who would show up in front of people when it was needed.'

'Someone who would only speak when necessary, and wouldn't hesitate to kill if someone got in his way.'

'That is the legend of the Divine Extractor.'

'That's why, no one knows who he is.'

'There are only rumors surrounding him, and no one knows the truth.'

But, Leo could tell that the man walking towards them was the Divine Extractor.

There was no doubt about it.

Because his mask, which was made of a skull, with two wickedly curved horns jutting from its forehead, was the trademark of the Divine Extractor.

That, and the aura which was radiating from his body.

Dark as night, yet strong and unyielding.

A force to be reckoned with.

It was a powerful and dominating presence, the kind that made you feel small and insignificant in comparison.

The Divine Extractor was a force of nature, a storm that could not be contained.

"He really came," Leo breathed, his eyes wide with awe.

"I told you, he would come," Sera said, a satisfied smile on her face.

She walked and stood next to him, her eyes fixed on the Divine Extractor's form.

"B-but how? He doesn't even care about the world."

"Simple, I don't even know myself. But, he came."

"He didn't ask us anything, didn't question us. He just came."

Leo could only stare at the scene before him, his mind trying to comprehend the situation.

"Well, that adds more mystery to him," Sera muttered.

The Divine Extractor finally reached the place where they were standing.

And, his gaze met theirs.

"I HEARD YOU WANTED TO MEET ME," the Divine Extractor's voice boomed, the words echoing across the empty desert.

It was a deep, powerful sound, a commanding presence that demanded attention.

'Huh? His voice, it seems it is being controlled. So, that we won't hear his real voice.'

Leo was analyzing the voice of the Divine Extractor when Sera's voice rang in his ears.

"Yes," She replied, her tone calm and collected. "We need your help."

"WHAT IS IT YOU WANT ME TO DO?" the Divine Extractor's voice echoed once again.

"It is simple, we need you to open the entrance of this Dungeon," she said, pointing towards the place where the entrance of the Desert's Hell Dungeon was.

"HMMM, WHY DO YOU NEED ME TO DO THAT?" the Divine Extractor questioned, his eyes narrowing behind the skull mask.

"Because there is someone I want to protect, and that person is inside the dungeon," she said.

Her face dropped, and her tone was laced with sadness.

"He's someone important to me, and I can't let anything happen to him."

"I can't lose him," her voice trembled, and her eyes were filled with determination.

Eli looked at her sad expression, and the sadness in her tone, and couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart.

'Someone she wants to protect, huh?'

'And, can't lose him?'

'Must be important to her.'

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Sera, who wasn't someone that would show weakness to others.

'I wonder who this guy is?'

"HMMM," the Divine Extractor's voice resounded through the air, the deep timbre cutting through the silence.

He thought for a few moments, his gaze fixed on Sera's face.

He was considering his options, weighing the pros and cons.

It was a decision that would have a huge impact on his life, a choice that would change everything.

'Should I help her?'

'I could just ignore her and leave.'

'But, what about her? What if something happens and she gets hurt?'

'I don't know.'

Eli was unsure, conflicted.

But, after a few minutes of deliberation, he had finally made up his mind.

'I will help her.'

"OKAY, I WILL OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOU," the Divine Extractor finally announced, his voice firm and resolute.

"I am thankful," Sera bowed her head, a sincere smile on her face.

"BUT, YOU OWE ME ONE," the Divine Extractor reminded.

"I understand," she agreed, her eyes glinting with determination.