Epicness: Some Sweet Moments

As the neon blue screen appeared in front of Rael. Sera and Leo were searching for him on the first floor.

"Where are you, Mr. Rael?" Leo's eyes were darting around the area, scanning for any sign of him.

"Where could he be?" Sera was walking beside him, her footsteps quick and steady.

She was focused on finding her friend, her eyes burning with determination.

But, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find him.

They were in a place far away from the entrance to the 2nd floor, where Rael and Alice were.

So, they couldn't find him.

The entrance may shot out a blue light toward the sky, but the two of them couldn't see it.

The light was too far away.

And, as the two of them were searching for Rael, Eli, the Divine Extractor was sleeping on the rock, a few feet away from them.


The Divine Extractor was snoring loudly, the sound echoing through the air.

He didn't go and search for Rael.

Because, from the expressions and behavior of Sera, he could tell that the guy she was searching for, was most likely a guy she cared about.

So, he didn't want to find him.

'I hope he isn't someone she is in love with'

He even wished that Sera would never find him.

After all, he loved her and couldn't see her being with someone else.

'Well, I can't do anything about it, so I will just sleep.'

He was just a man, and couldn't do anything to change her heart.

If the guy she was searching for was her boyfriend, he would just let her be with him.

Because he wanted her to be happy.

And, other than that nothing mattered to him.

'As long as she is happy, I am happy.'

'That's the only thing that matters to me.'

'The one, the only thing, that makes my life worth living.'

Eli was thinking these things as he was sleeping, the exhaustion clear on his face.

'Even if I have to destroy the world myself for her sake, I will do it.'

'And, even if I have to kill the one she loves, I will do it.'

'That's how important she is to me.'

'She is my reason to live.'

'The only person who makes me want to live.'

He was thinking about these things, when suddenly...

He felt a pair of eyes watching him, and his eyelids twitched.

'Hmmm, someone is watching me?'

'Who is it?'

His eyes opened and the first thing he saw was a skeleton standing next to him, watching him.

'Haaa, A skeleton?'

He sighed and waved his hand, trying to send the skeleton away.

"Shoo, Go away. I am not in the mood."

The Divine Extractor was too lazy to deal with it and just wanted to sleep.

"Go away," he repeated, his eyes narrowing.

But the skeleton didn't move.

It was standing there, staring at him.

Its bony hands held a small sword, and the tip pointed towards him.

"Damn it," Eli cursed under his breath and sat up.

"Are you an idiot? I told you to leave," he growled, his eyes narrowing.

"You are getting on my nerves," He said, his tone cold and harsh.

The skeleton didn't move and continued to stare at him.

"Are you asking for a death wish?"

He raised both of his hands and placed them together, his palms were facing each other.

'Now that it has come to this, I will just...'

"Please, just go away. I beg of you." Eli pleaded, his eyes softening.

'...beg the skeleton to leave me alone.'

"Just leave and I will forget that you disturbed me, okay?"

'Please, go away.'

But the skeleton didn't move, it was still staring at him.

Eli didn't know that it was being controlled by Rael, who was currently on the 2nd floor.

He didn't know that it was just a toy that was created by the Infinite Harem System.

"Fine, just keep standing there." He grumbled, his patience running thin.

"I will just leave and you can stay here, okay?"

Eli sighed and shook his head.

He then stood up and began to walk away, his footsteps heavy and deliberate.

'I don't want to stay in this place anymore.'

'It's too troublesome.'

But, just as he was about to walk away, the skeleton moved and stood in his path.

"What now?" He sighed, his tone exasperated.

'Why is it following me?'

'Can't it see that I don't want anything to do with it?'

"Listen, I told you already, didn't I?"

'This is getting ridiculous.'

"I don't want anything to do with you," Eli stated, his tone firm and resolute.

But, the skeleton didn't respond, it just continued to stare at him.

"Why is it still staring at me?"

Eli's brows were furrowed and he was starting to get annoyed.

"Does the summoner of the Skelton want to play with me?" He asked, his tone laced with irritation.

'Fine, I will deal with it, and go back to sleep.'

"You should stop annoying me," he growled, his eyes blazing with fury.

"This is your last warning. LEAVE ME ALONE." Eli warned, his tone menacing.

But the skeleton didn't move, it was just standing there, staring at him.

The only movement it made was a slight shake of its head.

'It is shaking its head.'

'It is a No.' Eli realized.

'I see, it's a no then.'

He nodded, his expression calm and composed.

"At least, you seem to understand what I am saying."

Eli looked into the skeleton's eyes which were as deep as a dark void.

"Well, then why don't we make a deal?" He proposed, his voice low and seductive.

"How about I fucking destroy you?" He offered, his voice dripping with venom.

"Or, do you prefer me to break you apart, bone by bone?" He asked, his tone smug and arrogant.

Then, he raised his hand and touched the skeleton's sword that was pointed toward him, with his finger.

"Rest in hell."

Eli grinned, and the sword began to disintegrate into dust.

The skeleton was dumbfounded, its bony fingers trembling.

Soon, the entire skeleton was reduced to dust.

All of its bones turned into a pile of dust that was blown away by the wind.

"I am not a bad person." Eli stopped for a second, his gaze drifting to the pile of dust that used to be the skeleton.

"It is just that I am too overpowered," he murmured, his tone solemn.

"Too overpowered, and too lazy to deal with small things."

'I have more important things to worry about.'

'Like sleeping.'

He shook his head, and turned around, walking away.

"Goodbye, little skeleton," Eli called out, his voice echoing through the air.

"Enjoy your afterlife."

"Hmm, wait, you were already dead, right? Well, then enjoy the afterafterlife."

As Eli, the Divine Extractor was walking away, he had no idea that...

"Where are these skeletons even coming from?" Leo's voice rang out in the distance.

"And, why are they only attacking me?"

He was holding a spear in his hand and was defending himself from the swarm of skeletons.

"Skeleton, you are annoying."

Leo swung the spear in his hand, sending a wave of air towards the skeletons, pushing them back.

"And, why are there so many of you?"

He was annoyed and frustrated.

'What's going on?'

'Where did these skeletons even come from?'

'Nothing in this dungeon is according to the report.'

'There shouldn't be any undead type monster in the dungeon.'

'And, why are they only attacking me?'

'Why not Miss Sera? Attack her too. You damn undead.'

He was confused and didn't know what to do.

He was having a hard time fighting the skeletons.

"Miss Sera, can you help me please?"

Leo yelled at the top of his lungs, and a woman's voice responded to him.

"No can do, I have to go to the second floor," Sera replied.

"W-what? You aren't thinking of leaving your most trusted subordinate alone here, right?"

He was shocked, and couldn't believe what he had just heard.

'She is going to the 2nd floor? Alone?'

"Yes, and please stop crying like a baby."

Sera's voice was cold and unwavering.

"And, also, take care of yourself, you big baby," she said, her tone gentle.

"You are not allowed to die before I come back, okay?"


Leo was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

'Shit, just shockwaves of your clap can make all the skeletons disappear, and you are telling me to take care of myself?'

'This is too unfair.'

'Damn it, Mr. Rael, just where the hell are you?'

'Why aren't you coming back?'

Leo's mind was a mess, and he was having a hard time focusing.

Sera, who had left him alone, was on the way to the 2nd floor.

"Where are you, Rael?"

She was muttering to herself, her eyes darting around the area.

She was searching for him and was hoping that he was still alive.

"Please be alive."

"You have to be alive."

"I will save you, no matter what."

She was walking through the trees and flowers, toward the entrance of the 2nd floor, while praying that the guy she was looking for, was still alive.

'Please, God. Please let him be alive.'

'I can't lose him.'

'Please, don't let him die.'

'He has to be alive.'

She was desperate, her heart racing.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of him, and her heart was pounding in her chest.

It was then, that she suddenly felt something.

A presence.

Something that was powerful and dominating.

Something that could not be ignored.

"What is this?"

Sera was shocked, and her eyes widened.

'There is such a powerful energy in this dungeon?'

'I never sensed it before.'

'Could it be...'

'An Artifact?

She had a guess in her mind.

Her mind was racing, her thoughts a jumbled mess.

'I hope it isn't a monster who is using the artifact.'

'It can't be a monster.'

'Otherwise, Rael might have died.'

'Please, let him be alive.'

She was desperate, and her thoughts were in such chaos that she couldn't even notice a guy getting past her.


A familiar voice rang out, and Sera froze.

'Wait, that voice, it can't be.'

"Rael?" She looked behind her, and sure enough, there was a guy, with silver hair.

It was the man, she was looking for.

Rael was there, in front of her, alive and well.

'Thank god.'

She was so relieved, that she almost fell down.

"Rael, are you okay?"

She asked him, her eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I am fine," he replied, his voice calm and steady.

"I am glad," she sighed, her shoulders relaxing.

"But, what are you doing here?" He asked, his brows furrowed.

"I thought I had to clear this dungeon alone." He added, his tone curious.

"Ahem," she coughed, her cheeks reddening.

"I had some business to take care of," she replied, her voice low.

"It's not like I was worried about you, okay?" She stammered, her face flushed.

"So, don't get the wrong idea, okay?" She averted her gaze, unable to look at him.

"But, I never said you were worried about me," he pointed out, his lips curling up.

"Huh, but... but I didn't," she mumbled, her blush deepening.

"You were saying something?" He asked, a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Shut up."

She glared at him, and her cheeks were burning.

'Why is my heart beating so fast?'

'It is all his fault.'

'Stupid, Rael.'

She was flustered, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Anyway, are we going back or not?" He asked, his tone casual.

"You can't just keep standing there, blushing and sweating like that," he added, his tone amused.

"Shut up," she growled, her embarrassment rising. "I am not blushing."

"Yes, you are."

"I am not," she protested, her voice a bit high-pitched.

"Okay, whatever you say," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

"I don't need your sarcasm," she huffed, her eyes narrowed.

'Damn it, why is he so good at making me feel embarrassed?'

"So, are we going back or not?"

His voice cut through her thoughts, and her eyes widened.

"Of course, we are," she said, her tone serious.

"Let's go back," she added, her heart pounding.

'I can't let him know, how much I care for him.'

'I can't show him that I have feelings for him.'

'Because, if I do, then, I won't be able to hide it anymore.'

'Then, my emotions will overwhelm me.'

'Then, I won't be able to control myself anymore.'

She looked at him and smiled.

'I am glad he is okay.'

She thought as they kept walking side by side.

'I am glad, he is still alive.'

'Even though, it might be my fault that he was put in danger.'

'I am glad, he is with me, here and now.'

'And that's the only thing that matters to me.'

Sera smiled, and her heart was warm and calm.

"Why are you smiling?" Rael's voice rang out, and her heart skipped a beat.

"It's n-nothing," she stuttered, her blush deepening.

"Just shut up and walk," she muttered, her lips pressed together.

'Stupid Rael,'

'Always getting on my nerves.'

'But, I love it, when you do.'

She thought, her face heating up.

"Whatever," he shrugged, his voice light and casual.

He was enjoying her reactions, and his smile was getting bigger.


She didn't say anything and just continued to walk without noticing the new accessory around Rael's hand.

An item that was emitting an invisible aura, an item that could control and distort the space itself.

Space Distortion Bracelet (S)