The War Goddess: Young Demon Ace

Rael was sitting on a chair, in front of him was a big playground, and the area was enclosed by a large dome.

The space was filled with sand, and the temperature was warm.

On the right and left, were rows of chairs, and the seats were occupied by people.

Most of them were employees of the One Guild, and the rest were guests and spectators.

There were a total of sixty-five people in the room, and they were all staring at the center of the dome, where a young man was standing.

This dome was created inside the building of the One Guild and was designed for testing purposes.

It was built for measuring the physical abilities, and magical powers of players, and it wasn't too big or too small. It was just the right size for the purpose it was being used for.

Currently, in it, they were testing new players who wanted to be members of the guild.