The War Goddess: Demon's Unexpected Power Unleashed

Just a moment ago, before the fight, had started, Zed was glaring at Rael, and his expression was fierce.

'Why is he so confident?' He thought, and his eyes were narrowed.

'I have not used, my power yet, and he is not aware, of the extent, of my power, but, why does he, look so confident?'

'Does he have, a trick up, his sleeve?'

'Or, is it, something, else?'

While, he was, thinking, his opponent, was standing, and looking at him, with a small smile, on his face.


Zed, called out.


His opponent replied, and his tone was casual.

"What was your reason, for coming, here, and challenging, this guild?" Zed asked, and his tone was serious.

"Was it, because, you, wanted, to challenge, me, or, was it, because, you, want, to become, a member, of this guild?"

He inquired.

"Well, none of that," Rael answered, and his tone was nonchalant.