I arrived at the KODA council meeting and found Zeeb Elijah lazing on the reception couch. The minute he saw me, he huffed in frustration. I ignored him and leaned on the wall by the couch as he perused through his tablet. 

The door opened, and I scented him before I saw him. Lucian Freki walked out of the hall, saw me and the words that came out of his mouth were "Conri". Dolf's eyes opened, and he stood up. 

Lucian walked over, and before he could speak, Benjamin was out of the door, summoning me. I hesitated for a minute before walking past Lucian and getting into the council room. 

The wolves next to Hunter growled while Hunter's eyes blazed. My eyes widened as I stared at the fading bruise on his left cheek and I heard Godmother's muffled chuckle. Benjamin closed the door as Alpha Lobo looked away and it made me wonder what transpired while Lucian was in the room.

"It is not a pleasure to see you, "KODA council Chair Carter said.