Hand in hand, we walked back to the Freki mansion as the sun rose and morning skies cleared. We arrived at the edge of the forest and the clear view of the Freki mansion made me feel happy, as this was the home that I shared with Freki.

"Why are you suddenly silent? "I tilted my head to ask Conri 

"I want to bite you. "His words were low and hushed, but they hit my eyes and I felt my body burn. 

I pulled him closer to me and asked, "You want to bite me again?"

"My wolf Dolf wants to bite Freki," he answered honestly.

"Yes, "Freki responded in my mind. 

 "A true mated pair of wolves,' Conri asserted. "Let us plan when to do it. 

"Now," responded with a nod. 

"What?" He seemed shocked.

"Why would you hesitate, Conri? We could have done this in the woods. You prepared the shed since Dolf wanted this. Why hesitate?" I demanded. 

"But this…you're…too much," Conri looked away in anguish. 

"Yes," I chucked, "I know."