"You better explain yourself Hunter, how is it that Rex is alive" I leaned back on the chair, anger rising in my blood.

"No need to explain, Alpha. This is not Rex. He was dead by the time we threw him into the river. We broke his hands and legs and there is no fucking way he could recover this fast." Hunter responded, but there was a slight tremble in his voice.

I grabbed his phone and then watched the video clip. The man did look like Rex. But it was impossible since he had no bruises on his face or hands.

"To give you the benefit of the doubt, I also think this is not Rex. Unless some magic happened and all his bruises were healed, I would urge him to go to the airport and get all the details about his flight and where he was going"

Hunter stood up and said, "Yes Alpha". And in seconds, he was out of the diner as I cursed inwardly. I doubted Hunter could be sloppy and had always excelled in everything he did.