I got to bed so late and drunk after I drowned myself bottle after bottle. I anguish and despair wondering why it was so difficult to trust someone and gain power.

"You are going soft," Aria growled.

"Shut up," I scolded him and closed my eyes to sleep.

I must have overslept, as I heard the loud knock on my bedroom door. I dragged myself from the bed and yanked the door open and Fridolf stood on the other side sipping a cup of coffee.

"What is it?" I demanded.

"Why are you still sleeping at midday?" He smirked.

I cursed and banged the door closed. "Go away! " I yelled at him.

"Alpha, Hunter is here to see you, "He yelled back as I listened to the chuckles that came after his words and his footsteps as he walked away.