I left the hotel and hid in the streets of Tochigo and made a call to my contact in Tokyo and part of the Sea Serpent family. It has been over fifty years since I contacted Kaito who was the one in charge of the waters in Japan. He answered the call and on the first ring said " Hello, this is Kaito"

"You sound so sophisticated, "I chuckled.

"Bering? Bering, is that you?" He gasped.

"Who else? A ghost?" I jested.

"Oh, My goodness. I had lost all hope when I never heard from you after the attack in the sea, "He whispered.

"Get a hold of yourself, Kaito. I am not that easy to kill," I snapped

"That is such good news. What do you need, my lord? " He switched on so fast.

"I am in Tochigo right now. Do we have anyone in the Yakuza who can help me? "I asked.

"I am in Tochigo, my Lord. I moved here one year ago," He announced happily.

"Send me your location. I will come to you. " I disconnected the call.