Four hybrid wolves arrived at the Villa made the hairs on the back of my neck stand out. But the way the guards at the gate looked awed by them made me and Hunter pause instead of attacking or demanding who they were.

"You must be Tizheruk and Hunter. "The bulky man spoke "I am Commander Abram. This is my team Oliver, Jerusha, and Graham. We are friends of Lucian Freki"

"Since when does Lucian have a hybrid wolf who are his friends?" I snickered. 

"Since the army. We served together. You can call him to confirm, "Commander Abram spoke up with confidence.

"He is telling the truth. "Haida's voice rose from behind as they walked over with Tala.

"Why are you here?" Tala demanded as her eyes blazed at them.

"She is mated to him, "The man called Oliver laughed as he pointed at Hunter.

"That is true, "Hunter acknowledged." You did not answer the question we are all asking. Why are you here?'