Two days later, I was at the construction site when I picked up the scent of Lobo Aria from the wind. I stepped out of the gate and headed in the direction of the scent. An hour later I arrived at the edge of the forest by the rocks where most boats would dock if one was going on a hike.

I walked down to the rocks and found that Lobo Aria had been there. There was the scent of the hybrid and I cursed out knowing they must have followed us from Sitka to Alaska. I got my phone out from the jacket pocket when the wind picked up Tizheruk's scent and even Dolf stirred.

" Why are you following me ?" I yelled.

" I felt the worry from Dolf as I was in the woods taking a stroll and then followed you. " Tizheruk walked towards me and then raised his chin defensively.

" Do you think I am a fool? You have been following me since you came back from Sitka yesterday" I scolded him. " What is it that is worrying you"